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Old 02/06/15, 04:30 PM   #9
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Default Re: Zabitan's Magic Happy American Tokusatu Reviews

Final Thoughts

Honestly I really liked today's episode.

In fact I think it, ranks right up there with Searching for Tyler Steele, Error in The System, Grimlord's Challenge, Virtual V6, and No One's Friend in terms of favorite episodes so far at least from production standpoints

It had a simple but neat premise with Grimlord stealing JB, and Kaitlin's virtualizers.

Also I can't really think of anything that was really skipped from the Metalder episode.

I liked the Battle Grid segment in fact I think it's probably my favorite one.

Oddly enough my only problem with it is that the Battle Grid segment didn't make much sense other than to give Kaitlin some transformed fighting.

And even then I would either simply replace it with a Battle Grid segment with just Ryan, put this episode's Battle Grid segment in another episode, and replace the part where Kaitlin fights Air Striker, and Fighterbot in her car with one where she fights Air Fighters, and Quantum Cruisers in the Skybase.

Or Alternatively keep it but separate the Skug battle from Ryan's first fight with The Magician, and have it where the magician for the party is a real guy that Grimlord has his Skugs kidnap, and the Troopers have to rescue him.

And the Skug battle, and Battle Grid segment happen before the first fight with The Magician.

Oddly enough this the last time we'll see all three Troopers together in Battle Grid mode this season, and the last time we'll see Kaitlin in Battle Grid mode this season unless you count a blink, and you'll miss it bit in Who's King of the Mountain?

Tune in next time everyone for more Magic Happy VR Troopers Reviews.
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