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Old 02/09/15, 06:26 PM   #64
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Default Re: Zabitan's Magic Happy American Tokusatu Reviews

At the lab the Troopers try to figure out what's going on, and when Ryan says volcano it gives JB, and the Professor an idea, so the Troopers put on their visors, and we get some Zyuranger footage of what could happen if Grimlord drills to the center of the Earth so the Troopers go back to where they saw the Skugs, and Fistbot.

The Troopers then sneak into the building Ryan couldn't get into, and split up but activate the alarms, and some bars drop, an trap Ryan so he transforms, and uses lighting hand to destroy them but then falls through a trap door, and rope drops down, and chokes him.

Then Kaitlin walks into a Skug ambush so she transforms, and fights the Skugs off while JB trips another trap door but he transforms, and gets out, and fights some Skugs before finding the master control room with Ivar, and some Skugs inside so he fights them, and Kaitlin shows up to help.

Then a pendulum swings, and hits Ryan but he dodges the next hit, and cuts the ropes with Lighting Hand then goes down some more hallways before being attacked by security lasers.

While JB, and Kaitlin are still fighting Skugs, and escape the building but are still attacked by the Skugs, and Air Fighters, and Quantum Cruisers appear so JB takes the fight to virtual reality where he, and Kaitlin continue to fight Skugs while the Quantum Cruisers, and Air Fighters fire on them.

Then Ryan looks for Fistbot, and finds on the outside of the building so Fistbot punches him with flying fists then punches, and kicks Ryan directly but Ryan dodges, and they both jump off the building while JB uses Techno Bazooka to destroy the Air Fighters, and Quantum Cruisers, and uses the Battle Cruiser to destroy Grimlord's tunnels.

Then Fistbot fires his fists at Ryan before punching, and kicking directly so Ryan scans Fistbot, and finding out his weakness is his legs so grabs Fistbot by the legs, pulls a Super Mario 64 ", and throws Fistbot .

But Fistbot gets back up, fires his fists at Ryan but Ryan catches one, throws it back at Fistbot, and then uses his corkscrew attack to knock Fistbot into some nearby water.

While JB destroys Grimlord's tunnels, and Grimlord once again shames his minions, and swears vengeance on the Troopers.

Later at Tao's party Tao blows out the candles on his cake, and the Troopers give him the broken pot from earlier but Tao is happy anyway citing the "It's the thought that counts", and we get a comedy bit of Jeb eating the cake.

Anyway we then get today's “I miss you dad” moment where this time now the episode was about how it's the thought that counts the end.
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