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Old 03/02/15, 09:04 AM   #5
Becky G
Power Ranger
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Default Re: Power Rangers Super Samurai

Power Rangers Super Samurai Chapter: 15

That would work I know you have diff powers but right now if they need to fight especially with Mike's help than he needs to help.

What new powers?

Idk I guess you haven't gotten them yet but I'm sure you'll get them or am I just delusional.

We will see.

Lauren and the others haven't checked on me and Lauren's been hurt and she won't let Serena check on her.


Yeah she's with Antonio but they need to get checked out, but Serena's is worried bout me than her own daughter so I should just leave.

Don't leave.

It's the only way they can help each other and you can help Mike take care of my kids, plus I won't be a burden and they won't have to worry bout me fighting.

I can look after you.

I don't know maybe you should call a meeting and get everyone together and see what they say since you are head of the house didn't Mentor say you were in charge while he was away.

*Serena finished making Mike's lunch and started on Em's soup and brought the lunch into the bedroom and set it on the table*

Mike your lunch is ready, where's Em.

~Walks out of the bathroom~

In the room, why?

She might be outside with Jay talking but there might be a meeting.

*Em was thinking*

Well we need to have a meeting.
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