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Old 03/02/15, 09:10 AM   #2
Becky G
Power Ranger
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Default Re: Power Rangers Super Samurai

Power Rangers Super Samurai Chapter: 22

Yeah so let's take these psy's down.

This isn't going to be easy.

~He responds~

I'm on my way

~Mike goes to the park and walks up to Em~

We have to do this as a team sorry Lauren.

*Runs out the gate morpher in hand*

Gold power.


Now I know you guys aren't going to try to do this with me were you.

*Em lays there and slowly wakes up*

Mike, what brings you here.

~Mike smiles~

Serena called me and told me where you were.

Antonio, how do I handle the yellow one I mean it's Em's fight but she's not doing so well.

*Slowly gets up*

I have to help the others.

*Sees the rangers*

Enough of the chit chat rangers....

*Psycho speed zipping back and forth attacking the rangers*

*Serena goes down*

What the how are we supposed to handle them there to fast.

Antonio is fast to just not sure if it will work they can copy our attacks.

Well they must have copied Em's cause I got caught off guard.

*Takes the hit and goes down*

They are fast but let's see how they like it.

*Uses my speed*

Lauren, Mia umm I think I know one way to attack Psy yellow.

They copied everyones now that they have my double fire smasher disc i need to get it back.

*Psy red seen it coming and kicks him away*


*Gets knocked into a wall*


This isn't working at all.

Yeah that hurts.

*Has trouble getting up*

Mom can you help him up.

*Goes over to Antonio and helps him up*

You alright.

*Zips over to the rangers again but this time to read their thoughts*


*Psy black attaches to me reading my thoughts*

Mom they can read our thoughts that's what happens when they touch you.

This is tougher than we thought.
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