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Old 03/02/15, 09:47 AM   #4
Becky G
Power Ranger
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Default Re: Power Rangers Megaforce/Super Megaforce

Power Rangers Megaforce Chapter 14

(Back at the Toxicmutant's Lair)

Bluefur: Bigs we have to destroy the rangers once and for all before Vrak destroys us.

Bigs: I agree thats why I was trying to figure out how to separate the rangers.

Bluefur: Separate the rangers huh....I just might have the mutant for the job.

Bigs: Really who?

Bluefur: Its non other then Electric Shock....

Bigs: I remember him....he's a good one wish I would of thought of him.

Bluefur: With Electric Shock's help he can absorb all the rangers powers and use it against them.

Bigs: Or he can absorb the rangers powers and transfer it to us.

*Vrak appears*

Vrak: I heard what you imbeciles are up to and I want in...I depend on it.

Big: What you have in mind?

Vrak: I want the red ranger's ultra mode powers.....bring me his powers and I will let you 3 have what ever you want but if you fail me you will be destroyed.

*Both nod*

Blufeur: Don't worry Vrak this time our monster won't fail....Electric Shock go and start trouble by recharging from all the power lines.

Electric Shock: Yes as you wish.

*Vanishes to the city*

(Both Bluefur and Bigs laugh)

*Emma was sitting under the tree in the city relaxing and rubbing her stomach*,

Don't worry I'll keep yosafe even though I get hurt.

Still looking for more pieces under the rocks I hope i can rebuild it and we can use it against Vrak and his monsters he still doesn't know this is so funny.

*Walks through the city to school and sees people running*

I wonder whats going on over there...

*Walks over and see a new monster terrizing the people*

*Absorbing the electricity from a building*

Yes a little more....

*Emma hears the commotion and listens*

*Sees the monster taking all the electricity*

This isn't good gotta call the others..

*Emma hears her morpher*

Yes Noah what's going on.

Emma you and the others meet me at the factory some monster is st.....

*Gets shot at by the monster and I fall on my butt*

Blue ranger....I thought I detected you...your by yourself.


You shouldn't of come by yourself.

On my way Noah.

*Calls Troy and Gia*

Guys Noah needs us.

*Gets up slowly and runs towards the factory*

Noah you alright.

I'm still strong enough to beat you.

*Pulls out my morpher and looks over at Emma and nods*


Troy on his way Go Go Megaforce active my card MEGAFORCE RED.

Be careful we don't know what he's capable of, I'll join you

*Pulls out my morpher and inserts my card*

Go Go MegaForce, MegaForce Pink.

Only 3 rangers....this is going to be to rangers are no match for me anyway.

*Stands there*

What are you up to.

Vrak don't underestimate me puts my wepon card in my morpher activates dragon sword.

*Inserts my weapon card*


He's been stealing the electricity from that building but thats going to stop...

*Runs at him firing my bow gun*

Picks up more rocks looking for more pieces There has to be more pieces here Keeps looking.

Be careful guys.

*Inserts my weapon card*

Phoenix shot activate,

*Stands there watching closely*

Ha ha ha blue ranger is that all you got.

*Absorbs the blasts and sends it back at him*



*Watches and yells*

Noah youu alright,

*Runs to him and tries to kneel*

Slashes Vrak and kicks him.

*Blocks and counter strikes*

Red ranger is that all you got.

Yeah I'm fine...didn't see that coming.

*Gets up*

Careful Troy...hes strong.

Kicks Vrak to the end of a cliff talckes him down.

Hmm Noah I wonder with him absorbing power you don't think he'll use it on us, how can I help Troy from here I know it's my job to protect and help if I get hurt my baby will be protected but why don't we work together.

*Front flips in*

Someone need a snake?

Jake glad to see you be careful he's strong.

Yeah buddy...he can absorb power and lots of it.

*Grabs weapon card*

Snake axe!


No one hurts my friends!

*Attacks Vrak*

Noah shall we take him on together.

We can do it buddy!.

Jumps to the ground.

Wait no Em...he will just absorb our blasts.

You have a point how do we fight him without getting hit.

Ha ha ha you rangers no match for me

*Forms a energy ball from the electricity I gathered*

Hey rangers try this on for size

*Throws it at the rangers*

Troy covers Emma takes a hard hit ............

Ahhhhhhhhhhhh falls hard.


*Falls backwards*

Oh i now i see that hurt!.

*Gets blown back on the ground*

Whoa...that hurts.

Opens my backpack looks at the pieces and keeps looking for more Wow there has to be alot of pieces to it i gotta find them and fast Moves one more rock the last one has to be here somewhere.

*Sees Troy and the others*

Are you guys alright.

Tries to stand you will pay for that.

Runs fast slashing him hard.

Ha ha ha...are you rangers going to try to summon your ultra power yet...or am I going to have to beat it out of you.

*Gets up holding my chest*

Ah oh i'm fine, how are we going to destroy him?.

Hits him hard.

*Gets up and pulls out my morpher to contact Gia*

Gia we need your help...this guy is tougher then we thought...

Answers the call I'm almost done be there soon.

*Looks at him*

Your not getting any ultra mode power.

*Fires my Phoenix shot at him*

*Follows Troy and slashes Vrak with my snake axe*

*Takes the hit*

Ha ha need more power then that to defeat me

*Slashes Troy with my claws*

Goes down trying to stand but falls.

*Takes the hit from the axe*

Ah black ranger...*Strikes him as well with my claws*

*Absorbs the phoenix shot and sends it back at the pink ranger*

This isn't good.

*Gets hit hard and goes down*


*Stumbles back*

*Runs over to the others*

Guys we have no choice...we need to go ultra.

*Looks at Noah*

Noah are you sure what if he absorbs it we won't be able to stop him.

Ha ha ha...come on rangers give me your best shot.

Your one pathetic insect we will defeat you no matter what.

And buddy, There's a risk if we do.

We have to try...and besides I have a idea...everyone come in close.

*Sees the rangers gathering together*

What are you rangers up to.

*I get up and move in*

What's the plan.

Follow my lead.

Puts my ultra card in my morpher

Ultra power active Storm Power! Ultra Megaforce Red!

Wait Troy..we need to work together and maybe if we overload him with all of our ultra powers we can short him out.

Sounds like a plan, Troy we have to be careful.

Good plan Noah.

*Sees the rangers getting ready to attack again*

Ha ha ha...come on rangers...are you going to talk or fight.

*Looks at him*

Were gonna fight you ugly insect and your going down, let's do this.

*Pulls out my ultra mode card*


*Grabs ultra card and inserts*

Rock power Megaforce Black!.

*Pulls mine out to*

Ultra Mode Activate, Wind Power, Ultra Mega Force Pink.

Guys put our satffs toghter puts mine out.

Yeah lets...

*Puts mine with Troy*

*Puts mine out as well*

Will this work without Gia.

*Puts staff with Troy's*

Ha ha ranger your mine...


Where did he go.

I guess were one ranger short but will it work.

*Looks around*

He's gone...

Noah I don't like this he might be coming up with a plan and i'm afraid that were gonna get seperated or he's going to take our powers one on one.

*Reappears behind the red ranger grabbing him*

Your coming with me.

*Disappears with him*



Wait a did he...and where did he just take Troy.

No this can't be happening,

*Goes to my knees*

I've lost him, I don't know but I have a feeling that were gonna be in trouble.

Where am i.

*Takes the red ranger to another part of town draining his ranger powers*

Don't worry Emma...we will get him back.

Gets weak losing powers.

I hope so and I hope he's ok.

*Cries inside my helmet and whispers*

Troy I love you.

Your powers can use a new owner...

*Still draining his powers*

Just a little more...

You can't control this power its loyal to only good not evil.

*Gosei beeps in*

Gosei: Rangers I detect Troy is still in your area....I'm sending you the cordinates now hurry he doesn't have much time left.

When I find that freak he's toast,

*Gets to my feet*,

Gosei try reaching Gia.

Yes Gosei we on it...lets go guys

*Runs following the cordinates*

*Follows Noah*

I hope he's ok.

Come on let me go Lays there passed out.

When I get done...I'm going to destroy you and the other rangers using your own powers.


Yes the process is complete....your powers are mine.


Noah how much further are we close.

There he is...oh no

*Jumps in the air shooting him away from Troy*

You get away from him.

*Runs to Troy*

Troy you alright what happened.

*Absorbs the blasts*

Hahaha blue ranger....your to late and now its your turn

*Sends the blasts back at him*

Doesn't answer.

Noah be careful, Troy wake up I need you we need you.

*Places your hand on my stomach*

*Gets hit hard knocking me out of ultra mode*


Noah are you ok, he's not responding,

*Looks at the monster*

What did you do to him.

The samething I'm about to do to the blue ranger

*Starts walking towards him*


Noah watch out, Troy please wake up.

Lays there.

*Tries to back pedal*

Guys help..

*Gets up and tries to fight him anyway*

*Takes off my helmet and kisses him and than goes to help Noah*,

Troy I have to help Noah,

*Gets up and runs to Noah*

Leave him alone you freak.

*Blocks and counters both the pink and blue rangers by hitting them both with my claws*

Finds the last piece opens my backpack spreads the pieces out and starts building it I hope this works if Noah loses his i'm gonna go postal Finishes it I really hate this i swear i'm gonna kick Vrak's butt.

*Goes down into Noah*

Noah sorry I have to do something even if it means getting hit and protecting my baby.

Troy eyes open gets up morphs silent morph gets up and kicks the monster.

*Takes the hit*



Its ok Em...

*Gets up helping Em up as well*

Lets do this together.

*Sees Troy getting up*

Alright but I'm still ultra, Troy how in the world.

Go Go Megaforce Megaforce red.

Not for long pink ranger.

*Forms a energy ball using the red rangers powers and throws it at both pink and blue*

Noah move.

*Pushes Noah out of the way getting hit hard*

Runs to Emma


*Falls out of the way*


*Goes down*

Noah use my weapon card.

*Throws it to him*

Noah he's mine.

*Catches it and sees Troy*

Troy how?

*Attacks Vrak*

Jake be careful he already took Noah and Troy's ultra mode and using it against us.

I have the will of fire.

I still got mine.

*Attacks Vrak*

Noah help Emma to safety.

*Inserts the phoenix shot weapon card*

Phoenix shot activate...

*Runs at him shooting both my bow gun and the phoenix shot at him*

Just be careful Jake he'll absorb yours to, I'm fine Troy.

*Absorbs the blasts*

You rangers just don't learn...

*Shoots out a energy beam draining some of the blue rangers powers*

I told you blue your next..

Hey big tall and ugly! Right here!

*Falls to my knees*

Ahhh....what is this?

*Drops the weapons*

Stop it you freak your never gonna defeat us no matter if we have powers or not,

*Slowly gets to my feet and runs over to him*

Noah youu alright can you stand.

Thats it runs at him with my weapon hitting him five times.

Noah he's draining your powers slowly soon you won't have any and than me, Jake and Gia, Noah call her.

He took some of my powers...thats it.

Ultra mode activate....

*Nothing happens*

He took my ultra mode power....guys be careful he got my ultra mode power.

Will do buddy.

Noah I'm afraid all our ultra powers are gonna be his and used against us, I have to do something I can't watch you all get hurt or drained and Gia needs to get her *** here and fast,

*Holds my stomach*

Noah use my ultra mode.

I'll try...

*Takes your ultra card*

I know you can do it just be careful your still a little weak,

*Holds my stomach and falls to my knees*

GO GO MEGAFORCE!!! MEGAFORCE YELLOW!!! "Jungle Power! Ultra Megaforce Yellow!" Vrak is in for a surprise Gets in the Warstar and flies it to where the others are gets there shoots the lasers at the monster.

*Takes the hits* ranger...your still weak without all your powers...

*Strikes Troy back to the ground*

Woo you go Gia!.

Goes down tries to stand.

Troy hang on I'm comming,

*Gets up and runs to Troy*

*Sees the Warstar*

This can't be...

*Takes the hit absorbing the laser blasts*

Watches closely.

Troy are you alright can you stand.

Keeps blasting him while using my ultra sword at the sametime.

Tries to stand

Yeah i'm fine.

*See's opening and blast Vrak full power*

Full power!.

*Helps you to your feet and hugs you*

I thought we lost you,

*The baby kicks*

Gia, Jake cover me.

Takes Emma to safety.

Troy I'm fine I need to fight your still weak and Noah's getting weak I have to do something.

That's the power I was looking for.

*Tries to absorb the power from the black ranger and from the Warstar but shorts out and self destructs* much power....

No worries Troy, Got your back!

Stay here.

Helps Noah up.

*I stay a few feet back*,

Troy use my Phoenix shot card.

*Throws it to you*

Yes its working...we need to feed him more power.

*Inserts the pink ultra mode*

*Blasts Vrak still at full power*

Keeps using the lasers and ultra mode at the sametime blasting him more and more.


Troy take this.

*Throws it to him*

Says Phoenix Shot Activate,

*Powers down and falls to the ground exhausted*

Uses my ultra power guys fire together.

Yes..together...ULTRA DYNAMIC STRIKE!!.

Aims and fires.

*Still shorting out* much power...I can't take anymore.

Keeps blasting him.

Charges it and fires as he blows up.

*Blasts him*


Yes it worked...i knew he couldn't absorb all our fire power...but that added power from the Warstar really helped.

*Looks up*

*Emma lays there looking up confused*,

What in the world.

Looks up.

Puts it on auto pilot and jumps out of it lands on my feet Hey guys miss me.

Ahhh...whats happening to me.

*Starts to grow big*


Hahaha...bye bye Warstar.

*Swats it out the sky*

You rangers are finished.

Guys behind you.

Yup took me a while to build it that's why i haven't been around.

Umm...guys look...things just got bigger.

Megazord time.

Noah you or the others have to use my zord I can't help I'm exhausted.

Sky brothers active.

Puts it in my morpher.

Umm...Troy we need more then our reguler zords....its time to bring out the ultra zord.

Noah you look shocked are you ok.

Yeah but we need to bring this guy down to size.

I'm gonna kick Vrak's butt when i see him is Emma ok.

Ultra zords active Puts it in my morpher.

*Watches while holding my stomach and whispers*,

You'll be able to watch your daddy and his friends fight.

Let's destroy this freak.

Ready on your mark Troy!.

*Emma smiles as they fight*

Alright rangers combine zords.

I'm ready.

*My zords start to combine*

*Emma still talking to the baby*

I'll keep fighting with the team and protect you from all evil since that's what we do and no one will hurt you not with me around,

*Feels the baby kick*

Easy sweetie.

My zords combine to.

Mine and Emma zords combine.

*My zord combines*

*My zord combines*

Woo i love megazord time.

Jake lol.

You guys can do this.

Here rangers try this on for size.

*Shoots out an electric charge at the rangers*

Dodges shooting him down.

*Follows Troy's actions*

Leave them alone.

*Blasts him again*

*Absorbs the blasts*

Aahaha my turn...

*Looks down at Emma and releases a electric energy blast at Emma*

*Tries to dodge it but gets hit and goes down hard demorphed*

I'm sorry Troy.

Noah take over.

Goes down checks on Emma.

Emma you ok.

*Sees him*

Yeah I'm sorry I was trying to help.

*Hugs you*

Yeah cause we still have Vrak to deal with.

Right behind ya buddy.

Your turn rangers.

*Shoots out a beam hitting the zords stealing some of the power*

Jake, Noah how about we use this with the megazord Hands you a new weapon.

I'm here baby.

Hugs back.

Right now I will try anything considering he just took some of our power again...

*Takes the weapon*

What does it do.

He's absorbing the megazord energy what are we gonna do.

*Holds my stomach*

Ow just hope that you and Noah get your power back after this monster is defeated cause Vrak is a joke.

You will find out try blasting him with it as much as you can.

We will just rest.

While you do that i'm gonna try something i know it will work i will be careful.

*Lays against you*

Holds you still morphed.

Ok just make sure your careful.

*Starts blasting him with the new weapon*

I'm just exhausted.

*Absorbing the blasts*

Hahaha...don't you rangers get it...I'm unstoppable.

Don't worry i'm always careful Gets out of the megazord stands next to the megazord Uses my ultra mode gets closer to him Jungle Power my tiger bites the monster hard.

Troy we need to do something from down here to help once he keeps absorbing the power there won't be anything left to sto him.


*Throws the tiger zord off me*

Yellow ranger your going to pay for that....

*Shoots a beam at the yellow ranger trapping her and draining her powers*

Gia get out of there...

*Sees her trapped and tries to blast him to free her*

Leave her alone.

Calls the dragon zord shooting him dropping the tiger zord.

Troy I have to help Gia and Noah.

Remember he can't handle too much power if he keeps it up he won't be able to handle it all.

Gia, Noah use your weapons and I'll use mine we have to stop him cause if he drains the power he won't be stopped.

Shoots more.

*Inserts my Phoenix Shot card*

Phoenix Shot activate.

*Blasts the monster*

You will never defeat us or steal anymore of our powers you freak.

I already have that covered Gets another new weapon out of my backpack and uses it on him Here is some power you can choke on.


*Fires at him as well*

*Absorbs the power from the blasts* much....overloading

*Starts to short out again releasing Gia*

*Stops firing as I drop my weapon and pass out on the ground*

Noah use my weapon I'm not feeling to good.

Yes its working...ok guys lets put this guy away...

*Pulls out my victory charge*

Ready guys.

Picks up Emma.

*Lays in Troy's arms*

Pulls my victory charge I'm always ready let's finish this.

*Inserts victory charge in the morpher*

Victory charge activate...lets see him tries to absorb this.

*Still staggering as I'm still shorting out*

You rangers will never be rid of me...

Uses my victory charge and the new weapon together giving him more power to choke on.

*Fires the victory charge at him*

*Absorbs the power but gets overloaded the last time* much power...

*Goes down causing a explosion*

Rangers thats a mega win.

*Stays in Troy's arms*

Yes....wait a minute....something doesn't feel right guys.

*Jumps out the zord and powers down to look around*

I don't know what it is but something don't feel right.

Kisses Emma's cheek.

What doesn't feel right.

*Walks and looks around*

I don't just seems to easy know.

*Smiles as I slowly open my eyes and looks around*

Guys what's going on did I miss something, Troy you can put me down.

Yeah they never go down that easy not just that but i have a feeling that Vrak is here somewhere.

Puts Emma down.

*Looks at Troy*

Troy is everything ok did we defeat that freak, Gia did you, Troy and Noah get your powers back.

I think so.

Guys back up very slowly trust me on this.

*Looks at Gia*

Gia what's wrong.

Just back up really slow something doesn't feel right to me.

*Looks at the others*

Umm someone tell me what's going on cause I'm still a little tired to move.

Troy can you help Noah back up i wanna try something.

Whats going on.

*Backs up looking at my morpher*

Oh Em to answer your question...I got my ultra mode back

*Hands you your ultra mode back to you*

Thanks Em.

Anytime Noah, someone tell me Gia's not crazy enough to do something stupid.

Knowing Gia...she just might.

*Looks at her*

Gia please whatever you have planned be careful we can't lose you especially Noah.

Call Gosei and tell him if he detects anything Walks closer picks up a rock and throws it and backs up.

What are you doing?

*The rock vanishes*

Just watch i know Vrak is behind this he always is and he is here.

You can't be serious your telling us he's been here this whole time.

*The sky gets dark and a lightening storm starts*

Guys whats going on.

*Looks up in the sky*

I have no idea,

*Takes Troy's hand and holds it tightly*

*The lightening storm starts to strike the ground near us*

Just trust me i think he's been watching me the whole time.

Looks with no fear.

*Stays close to Troy*

I don't like this.

Em none of us like it at least the monster is gone for good one less thing we have to worry about Walks away from the others and over to the Warstar goes inside it gets everything out puts it in my backpack walks back over to the others kneels down opens my backpack takes the stuff out and starts seperating it Noah what do you make of these i found them in the Warstar Em call Gosei and see if he can tell us what's going on.
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