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Old 03/02/15, 10:09 AM   #6
Becky G
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Default Re: Power Rangers Megaforce/Super Megaforce

Power Rangers Super Megaforce Chapter 35

Just make sure he gets the ring back before he finds me and when he's fully back to normal.

I will Gia.

Being in this forcefield ever since we came back is making me uncomfortable i really need some air i mean really need it.

Turns off the forcefield.

Go get some air.

Thanks stands up slowly walks out of the command center entrance and outside getting some air.

Lavira: Vekar the plan is working the sensors indicated the blue ranger is in transformation and soon be one of us my dear.

Demaraus: There is one problem the pink ranger is after the antidote.

Vekar: That is a problem then stop standing around and stop her already.

Demaras: Sending Brusiers and X Borgs now to slow her down.

*Sends the Brusiers and X Borgs after Emma*

Levira: And if that don't stop her the guardian of the island will and she will never see it coming.

Vekar: Why is that?

Levira: Because the guardian is in disguise as a local flower once located by a human she will spring into action.

Vekar: This is going to be good.



*Causes a big explosion and I transforms*

Ah thats better....

*Emma was still walking searching the island and stops as she sees brusiers and x-borgs and morphs*

Super Mega mode.

*Pulls out her blaster*

Not these guys, Gosei I'm under attack how far is the flower.

*Blasts them*

Still standing outside of the command center getting some air I hope Emma can get that plant and we can get him back to normal i really miss him if i lose him to the Armada i don't know what i will do but i will destroy them myself tries not to cry.

Gosei: Emma the plant is near by but approach it with caution that is not a normal plant.

Alright any word on Noah.

*Finishes them off*

Gosei: I'm sending the rangers to Noah's sensors indicated that Noah finished his transformation.

Oh man I have to hurry just keep monitoring him and let me know when I'm there.

*Walks to find the flower causiously*

*Teleports back to the city and starts destroying the city*

*Sees the flower and proceeds with caution*

Gosei: Thats it Emma but be aware...

Will do Gosei, where is Noah now.

Gosei: I'm contacting the rangers now...because Noah is now in the city.

*Contacts Troy and Jake*

I have to hurry so I can get back and help.

*Walks to the flower*

I've almost got it Gosei.

*Blasts the pink ranger back and transforms*

Who do you think you are picking me from the ground.

*Emma lands on her back*

Who are you, i need you to help someone or a flower to help someone.

*Blasts the plant back*

*Takes the hit and stumbles back*

First you try picking me from the ground and now you shoot me.

*Ties you up with my vines*

I got you now pink ranger.

Wish i could help but if i do then i will only obey the Armada I have to do something can't just sit here and do nothing.

Let me go you ugly plant.

*Struggles to get free*

*Picks you up and slams you down over and over again*

Either leave or tell me what you are doing here.

*Emma stunned*

If you stop beating me I'll tell you.
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