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Old 03/02/15, 10:24 AM   #2
Becky G
Power Ranger
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Default Re: Power Rangers Megaforce/Super Megaforce

Power Rangers Super Megaforce Chapter 41

Vekar: Demaras, Levira whats taking the formula so long to take over the yellow ranger's mind...I want her to be my servant.

Levira: Its the rangers...her humanity is to strong.

Demaras: At this rate the rangers will be here again and this time they will not only get her back but cure her.

Vekar: Then we better not let that happen...I want around the clock X Borgs and Bruisers guarding the yellow ranger.

Demaras: Yes at once.

*Rounds up the X Borgs and Bruisers to guard the yellow ranger*

Levira: The rangers may come in whole but they will leave in pieces.

Vekar: Thats what I want to hear....

*Still out resting at the command center*

Sees all the X-Borgs and Bruisers Oh great they are not going to keep the others out they will try hard no matter what i am really strong enough to fight this i'm not going to be his servant ever he can forget it never going to happen i am the tiger i'm strong guys where are you Walks around the cage blasts some X-Borgs and Bruisers.

*Troy and the others head towards the Armada*

What if they know where coming and try and guard Gia, Jake you grab Gia's hand after we get her, Gia grabs yours Troy and you grab mine as we run towards the entrance where I blast them as we run and grab the cable and pull us out of the cave.

They knew Noah was coming so they can detect us.

Yes Troy we have to get in there and watch our backs.

What if i get their attention and you take your sub and sneak in?

That could work but we all have to work together and have Jake meet us at the entrance and take Gia while I try and blast them than come back for me.

I can do that.


Good cause if they catch me than I'm in trouble.

But how can you circle around when they only want Gia.

Like i said i can be the decoy and i can release the sub or racer on my second round.

Than when I reach the sub and cord you can pull me in keep the cord attached to the sub.

Of course.


Good and I can call and tell you when I'm at the sub.

Smiles back.


I love you and thank you for being my teammate.

I love you too and of course.

Sits there relaxed and calm waiting but blasts more Bruisers and X-Borgs.

Vekar: You hear something?

Demaras: Its the yellow ranger she's shooting the X Borgs.

Levira: That's ok the yellow ranger will be tired soon...the more energy she uses the quicker it takes effect.

Keeps blasting all of the X-Borgs and Bruisers til they are gone gets up walks over to the door and waits I am always strong i have to do this for Noah and the team Noah i love you so much i can't wait to get back to you your the one who keeps me strong.

*Starts coming to* head.

*Sits up and looks at Gosei*

What happened and where are the others.

Troy how close are we.

We are getting closer to the Armada.

Good I'm ready to go get Gia and bring her back, I wonder how Noah is doing.

I just hope Gia is ok and doesn't join them i know she's strong.

Noah you were under the Armada spell and they turned you into a beast and the rest of the team went on to rescue Gia from the Armada.

Demaras: Sensors just picked up the rangers.

Vekar: Then slow them down.

Demaras: At once sire.

*Sends out the sky fighters to take down the rangers*

*Looks out the window*

Umm we have company.

Release the zords, Zords combine.

Gosei I have to help them.

*Stands up*

Jake when Troy gets ready we'll jump for the entrance.

Tensou: Noah your to should be still resting.

Zords combine~ Legendary Megazord!.

Ok but we have to do this without getting caught.

I can't just stand around and do nothing...

*Goes outside to think to myself*

Guys just be careful.

*Looks up*

If we get caught I have a solution but we have to hurry, let us know when were close Troy.

We are close.

The megazords pulls the two swords and starts slashing the sky ships.

Jake let's go, Troy keep it up and when Jake gets Gia I'll be behind.

*Gets in the sub*

I hope he's ok i have to get out of here there is no way i'm going to be his servant ever Tries to open the door again.

Releases the sub then changes back into the sky ship.

Levira: I'm picking up 4 rangers.

Vekar: Then the other ranger is still on earth...get the other ranger and bring him to me.

Levira: At once.

*Sends down Bruisers and X Borgs to fight Noah*

Troy be careful, Jake you know what to do grab Gia and run for it I'll cover you and get to the entrance I'll slow them down.

I hope Noah is ok i mean he's still weak and i know Gia misses him.

*Looks up and sees Bruisers and X Borgs*

Great not these things...the rangers are away its up to me to protect the earth.

*Pulls out my morpher*



Yeah but once we get her we have to help him, let's go Jake,

*We get to the entrance*

Troy keep the cord close by til Jake and Gia get aboard.

I'll try Emma, I'm getting hit pretty hard.

Let's get this done.

*Starts fighting off the Bruisers and X Borgs*

I need more strength...

*Pulls out my legendary morpher*


I left my saber if you need it just be careful, I'll call you when Jake and Gia are ready, alright carefully Jake,

*We walk inside*

She's gotta be here somewhere.

*Slashing Bruisers and X Borgs*

Is this all you got...

*Keeps fighting off the Bruisers and X Borgs*

Just keep an ear out.

*Sees a few Bruisers*

Blaster time.

Levira: The rangers are here send out the Bruisers to get the rangers.

*Bruisers comes out followed by X Borgs*

Jake fire and keep going.

*I blast a few Brusiers*

Pulls something out picks the lock opens the door looks around and walks out.

*Calls out*

Gia where are you answer us.

Demaras: I'm going to earth to get the blue ranger myself... they fail you sire but I will not fail.

Vekar: You better not.

*Demaras Goes to earth to take on the blue ranger*

I hope she doesn't get caught again.

Me to just keep firing.

*Fires more*

Looks around gets a few bricks and gets ready to throw them.

*Sees Demaras*

No not you...I guess you come when they fail huh well get ready to fail to.

*Pulls out one of my keys*

Legendary mode...Samurai!! GO GO SAMURAI

*Pulls out my spin sword*

Demaras: Come on blue ranger you don't look that tough.

*Fires at the blue ranger*


Is that all you got.

*Activates my weapon*

Hydro bow!!

*Fires it at Demaras*
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