Thread: Kendall
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Old 03/04/15, 03:22 AM   #5
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Default Re: Kendall

Originally Posted by Massive Ego View Post
The Space through WF years were not like this. They never rammed the lesson of the day down our throats. And the characters were mostly good. Every since Disney the storylines are mostly pc nonsense and the characters are usually written like morons.
that's because your love of the seasons is clouding your judgment of them. Every season has rammed moral lessons into at least one or two episodes.

The Disney seasons - most of them weren't written like morons. Dustin was that's for sure but he was meant to be a moron. That's funny Dr. Viktor Adler who became so consumed in jealousy that he ate the seeds of the Ancient Master Org and murdered 2 humans and attempted to murder Cole... you call that PC?
That's funny I didn't know Vexacus was PC... you call a traitor who is trying to overthrow as well as destroy Lothor PC?
That's hilarious that you think Mesogog, a mutant lizard with a Jekyll and Hyde complex is PC.
Broodwing is PC? That's funny that you think someone that gets paid for supplying weapons of mass destruction is PC.

Like I keep on saying your ego is so massive that you can't see anything except for what you want to see even though technically you could find moral lessons in practically every single episode if you try hard enough. A lot of the Season 1 episodes more or less give you the moral lesson to "Never Give Up" even if it looks like all hope is lost you still shouldn't give up.

and you can't say "Space-WF" since WF is Disney it's not Saban.
Also on top of which the storylines have been good.

Wild Force had an awesome storyline involving Taylor, Cole and Master Org.
I'll kinda give you Ninja Storm since while it did have a storyline it didn't go anywhere until the Thunder Rangers got into the action.
Dino Thunder did have brief storylines especially involving Tommy, Zeltrax, the White Ranger and Mesogog.
SPD didn't have much of a storyline so you're right there and SPD did tend to be inconsistent at times.
Mystic Force did have a storyline but it was mostly focused around Nick, Udonna, Koragg, Daggeron and Leanbow.
Overdrive did have a storyline but it was mostly all about their adventures searching for the 5 jewels to the Corona Aurora.
Jungle Fury didn't have much of a storyline.
RPM didn't have a storyline at all.
Samurai didn't have a storyline at all.
Megaforce didn't have a storyline at all.

Dino Charge doesn't have enough episodes in the pot to make that call at the moment.
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