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Old 02/04/16, 01:34 AM   #6
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Default Re: Power Rangers Reloaded

The Megazord then proceed to punch Goldar, and King Sphinx who tried to fight back but the Megazord turned back into a tank, and rammed them. Then transformed back to Megazord mode, and fired lasers but Goldar, and King Sphinx were undaunted.

Zack was annoyed “I’m getting sick of these guys”. Then King Sphinx flapped his wings, and Jason called out “Power Sword” just then a giant sword fell from the sky, and landed next to the Megazord. The Megazord then picked it up, and charged it with red energy, and then slashed at King Sphinx.

King Sphinx erupted into sparkles as he fell to the ground, and exploded. Goldar taunted “I’ll be back”, and teleported away, while at her palace Rita kicked her globe at Squatt, and Babboo, and screamed “I got such a headache”.
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