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Old 02/09/16, 08:49 PM   #10
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Default Re: Power Rangers Reloaded

Then Bulk tried to get into the plane but he needed help so Bulk had to push him to get him into the plane. Uncle Steve then started drinking his soda, and asked“All right everyone ready?” “Yeah” Kimberly, Bulk, and Skull answered. “Great” he responded.

Steve then talked into the radio “This is 3042 echo requesting permission for takeoff”. A man at the watchtower answered back “Rodger 3042 echo you are cleared for takeoff”.

Then the plane took off, and started flying over Angel Grove. Skull asked “Hey Bulk are you afraid of flying?” Bulk answered “No I’m afraid of falling”. Then uncle Steve pointed out his window, and said “Hey look you guys it’s the park”. Skull then started looking out of Bulks binoculars.

Bulk then pulled them back, and said “Hey bonehead let me see”. Then Steve pointed again, and said “And there’s the youth center”. Eventually they got to the mountains outside Angel Grove, and looked out at them.

But eventually Steve started to get tired. Kimberly asked “Is something wrong?”. Steve replied “Ugh I’m feeling dizzy”, and then passed out. “Oh no he’s fainted”. Bulk, and Skull started screaming, and Kimberly yelled “Could you please be quiet I’m trying to think”.

“I think I’m going to faint” was all Bulk could blurt out before passing out. Followed by Skull with “Yeah me too I think” before he passed out as well. Desperate Kimberly reached for her communicator and screamed “Alpha, Zordon, anybody.
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