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Old 03/18/16, 10:02 PM   #7
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Default Re: Power Rangers Reloaded

At Angel Grove park it seemed like everyone in Angel Grove was at the park for Power Rangers day. Jason said "Man it's like everyone in the city is here". Zack agreed "And they all came to see us man. Speaking of which should we change into costume?".

Jason said "Not right now. Let's try to mingle in with the crowd. That way we lessen the chances of anyone finding out who we're really are". Zack nodded, and saw Angela. Zack asked "Hey Angela I'm really serious you want to go out tonight?".

Angela said "Maybe if you were a Power Ranger I'd say yes", and walked off while Jason laughed. Then they looked, and saw Jason's dad arm wrestle Trini's dad while Jason's mother, Trini's mother, and Trini watched.

Trini's dad beat Jason's as Jason's dad said "Man I thought I was going to win that time but you got me". Trini's dad said "Well you know how we are. Mental strength, and physical strength go hand in hand". Then Tao showed up, and said "Oh Tao where's Tommy?".

Tao answered "Oh he's coming it's just that there's some last minute work he's getting done". Jason said "Oh man I hope he doesn't feel too left out". Then Kimberly's mother, and Steve showed up. Kimberly's mother asked "Oh Trini have you seen Kim around. Her father's here".

Then Kimberly's father showed up, and Trini said "You know I think I saw somewhere around here I'll look for her". Meanwhile Bulk, and Skull snuck into some restrooms, and came out wearing superhero costumes.

Bulk, and Skull took the stage as Bulk said "Citizens of Angel Grove meet your newest superheroes The incredible Bulkster". Skull added "And his sidekick Super Skull the boy wonderful". Then Bulk, and Skull started flexing their muscles.
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