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Old 03/18/16, 10:03 PM   #9
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Default Re: Power Rangers Reloaded

Meanwhile in Angel Grove forest Thrax was walking at the Command Center the alarms went off. The Viewing Globe showed Thrax as Alpha panicked "No, No, This can't be. Is that Thrax? I haven't seen him in 10,000,000 years".

Alpha continued "I thought that he". Zordon interrupted "He did but it seems either Rita or Zedd finally found the spell to undo it we must alert the Rangers at once". The Super Putties retreated and Jason's communicator started beeping again.

Jason asked "Yes Zordon?". Zordon said "Rangers I don't have time to explain this but morph, and head down to Angel Grove forest". Jason asked "Is it Rita?". Zordon answered "I'm afraid it might be something much worse".

Jason cried out "Okay guys it's Morphing time". Then They all called out "Mastodon", "Pterodactyl", "Triceratops", "Saber Tooth Tiger", and "Tyrannosaurus". The Rangers teleported to the forest. Thrax then bragged "Well hello Rangers ready to get pulverized?".

Zack said "You gotta be kidding he's just a kid". Thrax said "I may be a kid but I can still pound you troublesome Rangers into space dust then Mom, and Dad will be happy". Billy asked "Who are they?". Thrax mocked "That's for me to know, and you to find out".
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