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Old 03/18/16, 10:26 PM   #4
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Default Re: Power Rangers Reloaded

Zordon assured them "Rangers I know. You have to remember no being ever starts out evil. Even the darkest planet devouring cosmic horror was once an innocent being once upon a time. Not only that but the real Thrax died millions of years ago. What you destroyed was a walking corpse of the real one".

Then Zordon explained "That it will please you to know that because of what you did not only has everyone in Angel Grove been safely rescued from the Dark Dimension but the Dinosaur eggs are safe, and sound, and ready to finally hatch".

Titanus teleported the eggs to the Command Center. Slowly but surely the eggs hatched after 10,000,000 years. Billy cried out "Look it's Tyrannosaurus". Kimberly cried out "They're so adorable". Zack agreed "You know I never thought with a straight face that I would be this happy to see some lizards but I am".

Nemo took the baby Tyrannosaurs, and Quagmire, Nemo, The Genie, and Mr. Ticklesneezer waved good bye as Millennia said "Bye Rangers we're all going back to the magical forest". Then they all teleported out.

Zordon asked "Now Rangers you have a choice. Remain Power Rangers? or return to your ordinary lives?". The Rangers thought it over, and Jason said "I think I speak for all of us when I say there is no choice. We're staying". Zordon said "I expected no less Rangers".

The Rangers put their hands together, and jumped in the air as they yelled "Power Rangers". Tommy said "Oh shoot you guys we forgot it's still Power Ranger day at the park". Jason agreed "Tommy's right we gotta go". Zack said "Sorry Zordon we gotta go", and they teleported off.
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