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Old 03/18/16, 10:28 PM   #7
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Default Re: Power Rangers Reloaded

Everyone in the audience cheered as way off where no one was looking the Rangers teleported down, and Unmorphed. Jason went to his parents, and his dad asked "Why you so happy son you just missed the Rangers. Jason said "I'm just happy you're my parents is all".

Trini said "Have I ever said how proud I am to be your daughter". Zack said "Mom you're looking really beautiful today". Kimberly said "Mom, Dad, Uncle Steve I'm just really happy to see all of you". Kimberly's dad said "Kimberly we know your worried about seeing us together".

Kimberly's mom agreed "Just because we're divoreced doesn't mean we don't love you". Then Tommy showed up, and Kimberly said "Oh mom, dad, uncle Steve I want you to meet my friend Tommy". Kimberly's dad said "Oh yeah I heard about you I always wanted to meet you".

Tommy agreed "Same here Mr. Hart". Kimberly's mom asked "So Tommy where are your mom, and dad?" Tommy explained "My mom died when I was just a baby, and my dad disappeared over ten years ago".

Tommy continued "They stopped looking for him after a while but I still hold out hope he's still out there". Kimberly's mom said "That's so sad". But Tommy assured her "It's okay I still have Trini's uncle Tao, and my friends here, and in Crossworld City".

Alpha was watching at the Command Center as oil, and lubricant leaked from his saucer. Zordon asked "Is something wrong Alpha?". Alpha lied "Oh nothing Zordon I think my exhaust ports are leaky after 10,000,000 years". Zordon agreed "I'm happy for the Rangers too Alpha".

The End.
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