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Old 05/21/10, 10:02 PM   #5
Power Ranger
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Join Date: 07/17/09
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Originally Posted by Kamen Rider Decade View Post
He bought it because Disney mishandled, mismanaged, or whatever, thus keeping it like Disney is not going to happen.
Thank goodness.
Originally Posted by Kamen Rider Decade
You clearly do not know what soap-opera-like actually is. Actually watch a soap opera some time.
Why would anyone put themselves through that kind of pain?

Originally Posted by Kamen Rider Decade
If you want similar to the Japanese version then fucking watch the Japanese version. Power Rangers is supposed to be an adaptation of Sentai not a translation of it with new actors. If you want a translation with new actors you are a sad excuse for a Power Rangers fan.
Watch the language! But, aside from that, I agree with Decade. A direct translation isn't enough. The Japanese and the American viewing audiences are entirely different, and what works in one country isn't going to work in another. As we discussed before, it has to be made pallitable to US audiences. While asking for a direct translation is too much, asking for a slightly more sophisticated show to accomidate to some of the show's aging fan base is not. A huge tactic used in 90's cartoon shows like Freakazoid and Pinky and the Brain was to keep everything down to a child's level plotwise, but still have enough of a coherent story (and a few upper-ranged jokes. "Coherent story" more applies to PatB, more so than Freakazoid) to keep their parents interested. If Power Rangers were to use a similar tactic, I think it would be beneficial. (Yet, there's no telling since those aforementioned shows were comedies to begin with.) Personally, I think Power Rangers would be more accepting to parents if it retained it's attitude of actually showing young people (i.e. teenagers) doing the right thing when another path seems more desirable, but in a more sophisticated fashion, and with deeper plot (perhaps even making the wrong choices and regretting them for their deep, story relevent consequences with lasting effects). I realize the show had tried to do it in the past, but really those moments were few and far between. I'm talking a deeper plot beyond just defeating the monster of the week, with a progressive story arc that doesn't dwell in downright silly (just visits there frequently). You wouldn't have to impress the parents, you could just make them feel better about letting their kids watch it. Perhaps RPM was like that, I don't know. I didn't have the privledge to see it on TV, and I wasn't about to go out in public and buy the DVDs. (I suppose that makes me a "sad excuse for a Power Rangers fan," but I always preferred the original series for its retro feel and nastalga factor.)But I digress. Sorry.

Being that I'm not sure if any of the above made sense, I'll shut up now.

Last edited by TokuNoob; 05/22/10 at 01:42 AM.
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