Thread: SPD Thoughts
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Old 02/05/05, 03:01 PM   #7
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Default Re: SPD Thoughts

I think you guys are putting the nail in the coffin of SPD a little early here. I mean we have barely seen any info on the new show beyond the press release and what we know from DekaRanger.

I don;t think people only loved DT because JDF came back. Yes it diffinitly added greatly to the enjoyment of the season. But people liked DT for other things besides the MMPR nostolagia. They liked the story archs, action, and more. If DT was a boring directionless show even JDF couldn;t save it. Sure DT is overrated a bit. I would be the first to attest to that but I surely wouln't hinge all its success on JDF's return.

Now that said to me JDF doesn't neccessarly reflect PR's glory days. I think Power Rangers was at its best during Space-WF. I loved the older seasons too but don't feel like they can compare to the writting of that period. NS-DT was good too just not quite as good as Space-WF. I thought it was great seeing JDF back and having nods to the past. I just don't think PR went downhill after JDF left as a regular. The writing got better, not because of JDF" depature, just because it did. If you mean people responded to their nostolgia and a yearned to when PR was innocent I would agree with you to an extent. While there are a lot of MMPR-Turbo fans too, I just can't count MMPR-Turbo as my favorite PR era.
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