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Old 06/21/10, 06:20 PM   #1
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I doubt this campaign will have too much effect.

1. The target audience wasn't very interested in the product. The ratings for years-old episodes of Sonic X were higher than Dragon Knight premieres.

2. The investment for Adness wasn't returned. They completed filming the series before even finding a network to air it on. They'd never take the chance of that again, especially with The CW, the only strong taker the first time, no longer being interested.

3. Filming was completed in 2007. It's almost 2011, and the actors some would expect to see again may want to move on to new things.

4. The toys sold horribly. The Power Rangers TV series has lasted as long as it has because for the most part, the action figures and such have maintained their market. Without strong toy sales, Kamen Rider has no future on our shores.

Business decisions are made with profit in mind, always. If people didn't watch the show to begin with, I don't see why they'd sign an internet petition now. Sorry to burst your bubble, but that's the bottom line.
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