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Old 11/19/16, 05:31 PM   #19
Mr. CD
Ranger In Training
Join Date: 10/24/11
Posts: 51
Default Re: End of Extinction Episode Discussion

Originally Posted by O.92 View Post
So, does someone want to explain to me why everyone hates this episode so much? What part of the time continuity bothered everyone?

--They really made a new narration for one episode? OK.
--It was a nice touch seeing various allies throughout the season return.
--How...did Tyler use Super Charge T-Rex Mode in the past?
--The scene where Koda and Ivan leave definitely brought out all the feels.

As an episode, it was good. But in the greater picture? I understand it had some struggles. The whole time-travel concept never woo'd me over to begin with. I didn't think a season like this needed to dabble in time travel because of the mess it often causes.

As a whole, Dino Charge was pretty middle of the road. It started strong, had tons of potential, but will be remembered for ultimately floundering big in Dino Super Charge. But still, it's a big mark above Samurai and Megaforce. So potential is definitely there for Ninja Steel, but also caution because it feels like they're getting overly ambitious with that season (combining ninja powers with a game show with school?).

I'll miss the Dino Charge cast. They were a likable bunch. But a part of me is finally glad to see this season end. Dino Super Charge has been a struggle.
Cuz it made Dino Charge out to be the worst team to ever exist for doing, by accident mind you, the one thing every past villain had failed to do: destroy the Earth. Also it made watching the season out to be a complete waste of time as it gets invalidated by the end.

Again, it made the last two years pointless as both seasons are made to be completely invalidated. And unless we get told this was on it's one universe, Dino Charge also erased the last 20+ years of the show. And before anyone tries to say "But Power Rangers never had tight continuity!" Yes, but never to this amount? Sure SPD shot itself in the foot by giving itself a specific date and time but nothing so far contradicts it.
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