Thread: Ask An Admin
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Old 11/12/17, 05:30 PM   #1
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Default Re: Ask An Admin

I would probably do an All Star team type team up since there have been more then ten seasons since FR one and I want something that represents multiple Rangers. I would probably do three neo saban era Ranges since Saban Entertainment and Disney both had their teams represented. "Legendary Battle" was for everyone.

I would use Jayden since he is the strongest and most heroic Red in my eyes. In regards to the Neo Saban Era. I would choose Gia with her Yellow Super Megaforce Powers. Since she was a very interesting character herself. I would choose Shelby for the Pink Ranger since she had an entertaining attitude and was talented. Zack would come back as my Black Ranger since he was a classic character that never had the chance to return. Tori would come back as the Blue Ranger. She was another strong female character .

I guess I might as well add a Sixth Ranger as a wild card. I would choose Ryan as Titanium Ranger. Since we never got enough of him.

My question was inspired by yours but a bit different. How would you remake "Once A Ranger"?
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