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Old 11/15/17, 02:52 PM   #10
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Default Re: Did Diabolico really turn good?

Originally Posted by Captain Codfish View Post
Its not unprecedented in reboots to recast actors from the originals in minor or major roles. AJJ as Neo Rita could have been possible. I doubt she would have been told to emulate her Rita impression in season 2

I do think the movie crew avoided using old characters in major roles , as they just used JDF and AJJ in those blink if you miss cameos. I also think they wanted to cast a more proven star in the role. Elizabeth Banks had success in Hunger Games. Cranston was cast due to his success in Breaking Bad. The fact he did VA work in the series years before was just a happy coincidence.
I'm not familiar with other reboots casting originals in minor or major roles sure in a cameo role like we saw with JDF and Amy Jo but anything more than that? I'm not familiar of except for with some animated movies like "The Lion King" for example since in pretty much ALL of its movies the same actor always does Mufasa yes he's even doing him for the upcoming "reboot"

I don't think Bryan doing voice roles on the show really made much of a difference since he just did 2 monsters back in the first season and it's not like people were going to know that unless they could recognize the voice and even still voice actors are kind of like an invisible job I mean unless you do the big roles like Zordon, Alpha 5, Rita, Zedd, Goldar or even Scorpina then no one will really even pay attention to you.

You did Snizzard or Twin Man? No one is going to care about Twin Man they might about Snizzard but not much.
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