Thread: Ranger Powers
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Old 09/03/12, 05:01 PM   #4
Long Time Newbie
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Default Re: Ranger Powers

Originally Posted by tgif1345 View Post
I have a couple of questions for all of you Power Ranger fans out there. How many seasons do the Rangers lose their powers at the end of them? I know the MMPRs lose their powers at the beginning of Season 3, following the destruction of the Thunderzords at the hands of Rito Revolto, as well as at the beginning of MMAR when Rita and Zedd destroy the Ninja power coins, but are the powers truly lost? I mean Adam and Jason both have their MMPR powers restored, Justin and TJ get their Turbo powers restored, the Ninja Storm Rangers get their powers restored, Tori gets her Wind Ninja Storm Ranger powers restored by Sentinel Knight, and the Dino Rangers get their powers restored when they're teleported to 2025 by Broodwing in SPD, but, did any Rangers, or Ranger teams lose their powers permanently so they can't be restored, or is that dependent on the status of the Morphing Grid?

Also are all the Rangers' powers linked to their Zords? I know the MMPRs lost their Dino powers after the Thunderzords were destroyed, but that was due to a backlash of energy running through the Morphing Grid, as Tommy had ordered Alpha to feed as much power into the Thunder Megazord and the Tigerzord as possible despite the strain on the Power Accelerator.

I also read somewhere, though I can't remember where, that if Zordon and Alpha hadn't infused the Dinozords with the power of Thunder to change them into the Thunderzords, Jason, Zack, Billy, Trini, and Kimberly would've lost their powers for the same reason Rocky, Adam, Billy, Aisha, Kimberly and Tommy did in "Ninja Quest", because of excess energy from the Zords, running through the Morphing Grid.

Are there any other Ranger powers that are dependent on the operation of the Rangers' Zords? Or does it just depend on how much power is flowing through the Morphing Grid at the time the Zords are destroyed?
The Ninja Rangers and Dino Rangers didn't keep there powers forever though. The Ninja Rangers' (plus Cam's) morphers were depleted utterly by the end of Thunder Storm Part 2. The Dino Rangers gave back their Dino Gems in History (though if by some chance they recovered them they would probably still work, it's mostly the same for the Lost Galaxy Rangers), and we're not sure if Tommy's or Trent's Dino Gems still exist.

Mystic Force powers are unclear. The Master sucked all the rangers native power out of them, but they got refilled by the population. It's unknown whether that power continued feeding them after The Master died or not. Of course at great need I'm sure Toby or Phineas would wish them their powers back...

The former rangers in Once A Ranger had their powers restored by Sentinal Knight (except for Bridge and possibly some others) and it's not clear how long they last.

Jason's powers in Forever Red remain a mystery to everyone. Justin's and TJ's make a little more sense as they only lost there power supply rather than being destroyed completely.

The one that makes everything really confusing is Adam in Always A Chance. There he used a coin openly known not to work and it morphed him, albeit by leeching him in place of the Morphing Grid. This means that all powers may still work in theory, just with a real risk of killing the host (I'm aware that the only one to die in a remotely similar manner was the not technically ranger Niella but the point stands).

As for the zord thing, most seasons are hard to say but I'll try my best.

MMPR has been covered.

Zeo I don't know. Most (if not all) were made after the powers but that doesn't conclusively mean they weren't linked up.

Turbo Zords were lost without losing powers.

In Space Zords seemed independant of the powers (there's one episode where Alpha transforms and pilots the Astro Megazord in battle - if it were truely linked to the rangers he shouldn't have been able to, also the Battilizer worked after the Delta Megazord was blown up).

Galactazords are linked to the Transdaggers so it's possible the loss of the Galaxy Ranger's powers would affect them, but I would have thought it would just revert them to Galactabeasts. Most of them died stopping kamikaze stingwingers (to this day I wonder how Saban got away with that one) and it didn't strip the rangers' powers.

Lightspeed Rescue, Time Force and Wild Force I honestly didn't watch enough of to judge.

Ninja Storm had the powers last a little longer than the zords. I doubt it would have worked in reverse however.

Dino Thunder Zords (whatever there collective name is) were grown from the same basic source as the Dino Gems and thus had a very clear resemblance if I remember rightly, but were not truly the same. A large chuck of the zords were forced to self destruct (which when you remember they're alive becomes quite a lot nastier, at least the stingwingers sort of had a choice) but due to bad porting of Sentai footage, arguments will forever wage over which ones. The only zord I thought was explicitly linked to a given power was the Mezodon Rover (the only non living one, linked to the Shield of Triumph) but each ranger had a strong natural bond with their corresponding zord.

SPD zords seemed to work independantly of powers.

Mystic Rangers kept their powers when Koragg stripped their Megazord Mode but they could still take their individual Titan Modes. A loss of ranger powers would result in a loss of zords for obvious reasons, except perhaps in the case of the Solar Streak Megazord, which would probably work if they could summon it. The key question surrounding Mystic Force Zords is why Daggeron's is so differant to everyone elses.

Operation Overdrive's Drivemax Ultrazord and Flash Point Megazord were piloted by the former rangers in Once A Ranger. I think that says it all.

In Jungle Fury Casey could take the form of the red ranger after having his Tiger Spirit ripped out, but he lacked much of the power he would normally have.

RPM I'm not sure about and Samurai is still subject to change.
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