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Old 01/18/18, 12:46 PM   #5
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Default Re: About the delta megazord and MVoyager-

Originally Posted by ZeoGoldRanger View Post
Ok this is just a strange question which was bugging me today since i saw "flashes of darkonda". The one monster taht stole the keycards from zordon that started the mega voyager. When was it created? Before or after They left for eltar in turbo or before they chose rangers at all in MMPR. This question is because i thought i once heard in the show that it was left on a moon of jupiter. If that was always true and it was around and zordon knew about it why was it never activated before pris? They could have used it against the machine empire when the Zeo zords werent enough, or when they lost control of the ninja zords instead of agreeing to pilot the shogun zords?

secondly with the delta megazord was it the creation of the phantom ranger? Why did he never give it to the turbo rangers as they did the rescue zords? Because after both megazords were destroyed that was why the turbo rangers really fell. No megazord.
no such thing as a strange question but if you remember correctly he mentions they stole it from Zordon while on Eltar so the Mega Vehicles had to be made before Chase Into Space and it's possible he didn't have the Key Cards while he was caught in the time warp which is why he didn't give the zords to any of the other teams and that's assuming they were made that early ahead which is unknown.

We don't know who made the Delta Megazord presumably it was either his doing or Zordon's doing all we can do is guess on who made it. It wouldn't have made a difference what Megazord went up against Goldgoyle he was just simply too over-powered what T.J. ended up ultimately doing was pretty much the only thing that they could do to beat him.
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