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Old 04/20/18, 01:40 PM   #1
Power Ranger
Join Date: 12/04/17
Posts: 188
Default Re: Rocky should have become the leader in MMPR.

Giving a newcomer the leadership position on the team is always a mistake. First, Rocky, Adam and Aisha did not have any powers, arsenal or Zords or whatsoever prior to becoming Power Rangers. With that said, giving Tommy the team leader was the right decision since:
1. He already had Ranger knowledge, history and battle experience, so he knew what to expect and what not to expect from Zedd and later, Zedd & Rita.
2. He knew when to make a certain decision during battle and how to make it all work - for most of the time (which didn't exactly turn out the best in "Ninja Quest", but still).
3. Kimberly wasn't exactly the leader type. She even had trouble keeping up with her preparations for the Pen Globals and with her Ranger duties at the same time. The "Wild West Rangers" thing was just something that she got caught in and had to be resourceful, quick-thinking and organized on-spot to make things work.
4. Billy was the tech guy. Making him the leader would take away the tech support that even Zordon and Alpha needed. So him giving up his Ranger spot actually worked for both him and the two in Zeo.

As for Wes, I think the Timeranger footage dictated who would be the team leader. Plus it worked for that season, since Wes is Alex's ancestor and could unlock the Chrono Morphers.
And it's not like Wes didn't live up to the role, since Alex acted like a jerk when he tried to replace him and get the 4 Rangers to just ditch him, only to see the 4 wanting Wes back.
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