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Old 05/26/18, 11:30 AM   #4
Power Ranger
Join Date: 12/04/17
Posts: 188
Default Re: RIP Saban Brands

Maybe I'll give a Hasbro PR season a chance. Who knows, maybe Hasbro will make PR good again or it will make it even worse. I mean, even when Disney got into PR when they bought it, they didn't know what the hell to do with it, yet we ended up getting some awesome seasons, episodes, characters, character arcs and storylines. It's the same with the original Saban era. The Neo-Saban era wasn't great, but yet again, it kept the franchise alive and it did have some good episodes, at least, if not seasons.

Everyone gave Neo-Saban era a shot. Yes, for some it was great. For some it was good and for some, it blew. Now it's time for someone else to step in. That "someone else" is Hasbro. It's time for their shot at making Power Rangers.
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