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Old 06/11/20, 10:23 PM   #4
Decade Defender
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Join Date: 06/01/20
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Default Re: Seasons that had better premieres then finalies

I am going to have to go with DinoThunder. I mean we get all the hype in the premiere with the return of Tommy and this kind of MMPR next generation team. But after the first several episodes we kind of just hit the doldrums. Especially once Oliver is stuck in morphed form. Mercer's motivations are all over the place. And it doesn't seem like they knew if they wanted Trent to be good guy forced to do evil things or a full fledged big bad. Then they just have him randomly become free of the gem's evil power.

The idea of this rogue group of high school sterotypes force to work together for the common good is quickly dropped. Zeltrax and Tommy don't even have a proper end to teir arch.

The finale was another rushed finale with a way too convenient ending. Its definitely a season that leaves you wanting more. As the last episode doesn't feel like a last episode in the final scene at the prom.I felt let down from what was established in episode 1. Tommy should have got a better send off. Since they didn't know he would come back the way he did later.
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