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Old 07/31/21, 06:59 PM   #1
JungleFury Cat
Putty Patroller
Join Date: 05/27/21
Posts: 28
Default Re: What jobs would you want them to have?

not very good at deciding occupations but...

Tanya - DJ
Ashley - Car Mechanic
Andros can fix spaceships
Cassie, TJ, Ashley, and Carlos may also help with fixing Spaceships
Otherwise TJ - Baseball player/coach and Carlos - Soccer Player

Kai can keep the job he had on Terra Venture
Eric from Time Force, head of the Silver Guardians
Chip, Vida, and Maddison could still be working at the Rockporium.
I think Xander should do something else, since he didn't seem to want to actually do the work there.

RJ should still be in business with JKP.
Lilly and Theo could still help him out, and train some people on the side.
Casey can keep the jobs he had in Super Megaforce.

Rose, Dax, Will, and Ronney could have their previous jobs, but maybe Dax could be a star in his own movie.
Kevin could coach a swim team, if he's not in the pool himself.
The Dino Charge rangers should be busy making burgers and taking care of dinosaurs
Sarah should be making electronics or robots.
Nate could help the city by making new technology.

Last edited by JungleFury Cat; 09/18/21 at 02:42 PM.
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