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Old 04/08/02, 04:45 PM   #7
Cross My Line
Power Ranger
Join Date: 10/24/01
Posts: 483

OK, basically, yes there are a few PR boards that do quizzes, but they are all significantly different from one another.
Mine is the knowledge test with your three face seasons.
KA has the millionaire game
MiChaos has the Weakest Link game.
and so on, and so forth. People repsect what the others create, and don't intrude on it. When KA stole my idea, I asked him to stop doing it, and he did in respect for me.
When Lunar Wolf Ranger stole my idea for his board, except turning it into a really @#%$ game, I told him to stop it, and he did through respect for what I did.
Now, you've stolen my idea, and just tacked on a "4th season" to make it sound "different". And now I'm asking you, if you have any respect to stop stealing my idea right now as well. Create your own idea. If you want help with one, I will gladly aid you, but do not steal my idea.
If however, you do continue to do so, I leave every other person who reads this, with this statement: do not go to his board. It is an inferior board, run by an inferior person, who has to steal ideas from others. If you want to go to the board with the original idea, click here; but please, do not go to Homer's board, if he continues to steal ideas.
Now Homer, I am being as nice to you as I can be considering you have stolen my idea. Don't ruin this by being a total prick, and continuing to steal it. Like I said, if you want help coming up with your own idea, I will help you. But remove "your" knowledge test, because it isn't yours at all.
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