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Old 12/10/17, 02:29 PM   #3
Power Ranger
Join Date: 12/04/17
Posts: 188
Default Re: Dealing with departure of Tommy at the end Zeo

Actually, I would not mind if there was a Tommy-centric spin-off that takes place somewhere in-between Zeo and Turbo. The latter would need to take place at least a year or two since the final events in Zeo. The spin-off would feature Tommy questioning himself weather he wants to stay a Power Ranger since he just witnessed one of his best friends nearly loose his own life because he was a carrier of Ranger powers that weren't made for a human body. This would make other Rangers re-consider if they would want to stay Rangers too since there would be a long time before another alien attach would happen.

In the end, they would all decide to go back to their normal lives, which would lead to the events in T:APRM. It would feature a firmly decided Tommy to leave Power Rangers and be divided between his beliefs and his Ranger duties because of Zordon needing time to select new Ranger candidates. Then "Shift Into Turbo" would end up introducing a the new Turbo Ranger cast in a different way (minus Justin, as he would still show up for the movie). The story would have the Zeo Ranger characters - minus Justin - (now briefly Turbo Rangers) being kidnapped by Divatox and held for a ransom and somehow, T.J., Cassie, Carlos and Ashely would end up rescuing them.
Then the second half of Turbo remains as is and PRiS plays out the same.

There would be nothing wrong if Tommy left after Zeo, it's just JDF and the rest of the Zeo cast would still need to appear in T:APRM and in the first three episodes of the next season as recurring cast.
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