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Old 07/26/06, 05:14 PM   #1
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Default Did the voices of the Digimon in season 3 kill their power?

I'd say one of the things that doesn't really make season 3 stand out to me is the fact that no matter how powerful the Tamers' Digimon became, they always had the same voices. Growlmon, WarGrowlmon and even Gallantmon always carried Guilmon's goofy voice around with them, which didn't mesh with their new looks. The same goes for Gargomon, Rapidmon, and MegaGargomon always sounding small and timid like Terriermon. Renamon was the saving grace, since her voice was always mature.

And why were the other Digimon treated differently? Andromon and Gardromon sounded different, Antylamon and Lopmon had unique tones, and no other Digimon's Rookie and Ultimate forms sounded less like each other than Cyberdramon and Monodramon. I mean, when season 4 actually had humans become the Digimon and their voices still altered somewhat, I think the season 3 dub got cheated.
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