Thread: Help
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Old 05/07/14, 04:37 PM   #2
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Default Re: Help

It happened, but you are mixed up by a few things. In "Quasar Quest Part 2" Mike Corbott pulled the Red Quasar Saber from the stone on Mirinoi. Furio sent him down a crevice. Before he fell to his aparent doom, he passed his saber to his younger brother Leo. Leo went on to become Red Ranger instead. Later a mysterious anti-hero named the Megna Defender showed up. Leo thought he might be Mike at first but learned that he was someone else.

Megna Defender wasn't evil, but was consumed with revenge. Scorpius murdered his son thousands of years prior. Megna Defender was left in a crevice by Treateron. Megna Defender wanted revenge against Scorpious at all costs, no matter who got hurt. We later find out that Mike fell in the same crevice that Megna Defender was trapped in. The Defender saved Mike and absorbed his life force to escape. Mike's spirit was trying to infulence the Defender to become good again.

In his quest to destory Scorpious, the Megna Defender caused a chain reaction that was going to destory Terra Venture. He decided to let go of his revenge and become a hero once again (with the help of his son's spirit and Leo's bravery). He sacrificed himself to stop the coloney from exploding. Mike was released and free to resume his life. Leo wanted to give Mike the sword back, but Mike convinced him that it was Leo's true destiny to be Red Ranger. Megna Defender's spirit passed his powers on to Mike. Who became the new Megna Defender.
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