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Old 12/28/17, 09:55 AM   #7
Power Ranger
Join Date: 12/04/17
Posts: 188
Default Re: Should they have done a much different theme with turbo?

Introduce the new cast in T:APRM. Still have Justin replace Rocky and instead of Jason and Kimberly being kidnapped, the ones that are offered as a sacrifice to Maligore are Cassie, T.J., Carlos and Ashely. Give the four some backstory in the "Shift Into Turbo" three-parter and have Zeos reconsider their priorities. After some fillers, bring back Jason and Kimberly for the involvement they had in the movie, thus ending the plot of Tommy, Kat, Tanya and Adam to go back to their normal lives. "Passing of the Torch" is the end of that storyline. Justin, T.J., Cassie, Ashely and Carlos become the Turbo Rangers and the Millennium Message plot plays out better than it did. Robo Racer is introduced later in the season, after the new Rangers arrive. The oldies are kept as recurring characters and are seen pursuing their life goals & dreams. Gasket and Archerina come back for one last rumble so new Turbos invite the Zeos for one last fight, resulting in a official crossover between Zeo and Turbo which ends with the defeat of the two villains. After the crossover fight, a filler episode in a montage confirms the Kat and Tommy relationship and him signing up for a college (not shown which one, but eventually results in and then confirming him becoming a paleontologist and a science teacher later in PRDT), Tanya as the head of the radio station she works at and Adam becomes a professional soccer trainer.

For the rest of the season, instead of US Elgar and Porto, use the Sentai versions of the costumes, make Divatox more like Lord Zedd before he married Rita and make Turbo actually a serious season and a decent sequel to Zeo.
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