Thread: Series Finalie
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Old 11/23/14, 03:53 PM   #2
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Default Re: Series Finalie

That's a good question.

I guess a lot of the same stuff everyone else says.

Grimlord has this final plan to take over reality, the Troopers try to stop it but it looks like Grimlorld might win this time, Ryan's father comes back with a way to stop Grimlord, the Troopers defeat Grimlord for good, the Troopers find out Grimlord is Ziktor, everything turns out okay, all that stuff.

I thought of something where something happens, and the Troopers begin to suspect Ziktor is Grimlord, and go to his office to confront him, and find out he's Grimlord but he transforms, and disappears, and has his secretaries transform into Skugs.

And somewhere along the way he banished the Troopers to Virtual Reality in Battle Grid mode but to different places like Ryan is in the dimension from Grimlord's Dark Secret while JB, and Kaitlin are in Knightime's universe.

Not only that but he also sends all his monsters, and minions after them like the Shaider villains go after Ryan, and the Spielban villains go after JB, and Kaitlin.

And somehow this would all be two or three parts long.
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