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Old 12/28/14, 05:32 PM   #3
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Default Re: "Passing the Torch"

Originally Posted by Captain Codfish View Post
Anyone else get confused on why Zordon and Demitria would release their Rangers mid fight for a younger crew? Makes no sense and I don't buy the letting them move on excuse. Why the heck did they get rid of a variety veteran Ranger team when they had to know full well Spector was getting ready to make his move. They should have came up with a better way to write off team.
at the time yes it was confusing but it was originally planned to be revealed that The Millennium Message was responsible for Adam, Kat, Tanya and Tommy retiring and passing their powers over to Carlos, Cassie, Ashley and T.J.
You can see some purposeful intentions based on Divatox's seeing of the message in episodes that have some of the new Rangers before they become Rangers.
Carlos and Ashley were attacked at the soccer field by Piranhatrons on purpose and that was because of Divatox's knowledge of the message... she knew Carlos and Ashley would become Rangers that would get in her way as well as the next villain's way.

Originally Posted by Lord Leo View Post
Makes no sense. Especially since we have had many Ranger teams since than that have been older than the Turbo Rangers. Also Rangers dont just give up being Rangers for personal reasons like they did in the Zordon Era. I think Zordon since saw the Rangers as interchangeable and replaceable. He was probably arrogant enough to assume that evil would always lose if he was around.
Actually it would have made more sense if Turbo didn't have the whole crew shake up since originally Blue Senturion's message was going to be fixed so that the Rangers could get his Millennium Message as well and as I stated earlier in my post Divatox actually saw the whole message so she knew Carlos and Ashley were going to become Rangers which is why she attempted to send P-trons down to take care of them and when that didn't work she tried to use a detonator to blow up the soccer field which would have taken Carlos and Ashley with it.
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