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Old 12/05/14, 03:44 PM   #2
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Default Re: How would you say each season's footage balanced out?

Let's see, shall we?

MMPR1 = Like you said Sentai driven.
MMPR2 = This was actually a mixture because of Saban not having a lot of the Gorma Monster suits for whatever reason so they couldn't always physically film their own fight even if they wanted to so they had to film reaction shots involving the Rangers and then just splice in shots of the Gorma Monsters in cases when they didn't have the suits like in the case of Flame Head and Lipsyncher.
MMPR3 = This was pretty heavy on original footage, it became a bit more Sentai heavy once the Alien Rangers appeared.
Zeo =
Turbo =
Space = I'd say this was original heavy but it became Sentai heavy once the Psycho Rangers appeared.
Galaxy = Sentai heavy.
Lightspeed = Sentai heavy.
Time Force = Sentai heavy.
Wild Force = Sentai heavy except for Master Org and Retinax although the latter did originate in Gaoranger.
Ninja Storm = original.
Dino Thunder = original.
S.P.D. = Sentai heavy
Mystic Force = Sentai
Operation Overdrive =
Jungle Fury =
RPM = original
Samurai = Sentai heavy to the extreme.
Megaforce = Sentai.
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