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Old 04/03/10, 09:13 PM   #4
Putty Patroller
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Join Date: 01/27/10
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Chapter Two is up and ready!!! Enjoy!~

Chapter Two: Twin Storm

"TAKE THIS!!!" Seth punched the monster with his metallic hand. When he transformed, he felt a surge of power. This power told him to fight, and fight he did. The monster of course, tried to fight back, but he knew he would die sooner of later by this new rider. Moments ago, Seth acquired this new, strange power, but it felt like the power was with him all along, and this Driver was the key to unleash it all. Of course, he had his troubles of using a body that was fully armored. Seth admired his new look as he tried to put on a heroic stance, like the one he had seen Kabuto and Hibiki make. The monster started backing up, trying to somehow hide in the shadows of the room.

"Curse you....." The monster hissed out once again, shaping his hand into a fist, smashing it into the wall. Once Seth realized it, it was too late. A hole was already formed, allowing the monster to escape. Following it out, Seth wondered what was the other cards meant for. Catching up to the monster, he looked at his waist. There was a small box attached to the side of his belt, making a grab for it, he pulled out another card with DiLord imprinted on it. The monster looked stunned as he pulled out the card, prepared for the worst case scenario that can happen to it. Unlike him, Seth smiled under the mask and searched for where to insert the card. The monster didn't feel like waiting, it started to rush it, rage consuming it.

"DIE!!! Riders are going to die!! And you're going to be the first!" It swung a fist, hitting Seth in the stomach. The punch felt like a rock, sending Seth flying several feet away. His head was spinning, he felt like he was going to die of pain. Struggling to get up, he looked at his hand. Something was wrong, the card wasn't in his hand anymore. Returning to his senses, Seth made a desperate search for his card. He made a dodge when the creature attacked him, and tried to strike back. But the monster was experienced, while Seth was a total newbie at fighting. Grabbing his hand, the monster flipped Seth over like he was a doll. Seth groaned, his arm had bruises on it, and he was in no condition to fight.

"C'mon.....where is that card?!?" Seth struggled to get up once more, grabbing a punch thrown by the monster and punched it back. He smiled, his first actual punch towards a monster. All of the rage he held, all sent into one punch, and it felt relieving to know that he can avenge those who fallen by these killers. Unlike him, the monster was quite enraged, sending a punch back at Seth. Time slowed down, everything halted into a stop. Seth felt like he could sense the monster's fist, and he could dodge it like a professional boxer dodging a total amateur boxer's unsteady punch. Time went back to normal, Seth behind the monster, giving it a strong kick. The power of the DiLord Driver has awoken.

"Guess I'm not that bad as i thought..." Seth noticed the card that he dropped earlier, picking it up, he put it into the Driver.

ATTACK RIDE D-d-d-d-DiLord

His hand pulsed with white aura. He noticed that his driver wasn't sliding back, figuring that the driver was producing the aura. The monster started to get up, and started to run. Throwing a quick punch into the air, the aura instantly shot out, going after the monster as the driver slid back into place. Seth started to like how this rider system worked, pulling out another card, he placed it inside the driver.


Sliding it forward, he let the driver slide back. Armor pieces started appearing, eletricity started forming between Seth's shoulders, helmet, chest, and boots. The monster watched in awe as the pieces started to attach to Seth's armor.


At last, the armor was fully attached as Seth charged at the creature and kicked it. It was sent far away, whimpering as it tried to get up. It was certain now that the creature's life ended here, it's life ended when Seth pulled out the card to it's destruction.


The boots started to produce green energy as he charged forward, then leaping into the air. The blade on the boots started to tick down, pointing towards the creature like a clock ticking the destruction of the world.


Seth struck the monster like a meteor plunging into a hard surface. The creature shrieked as it tossed and turned, clutching it's stomach, the area where Seth kicked him. It groaned in pain as it started to dissolve. Seth grinned, but noticed something was wrong as the Kick Hopper card popped out of his driver. It was blank, as well as the final attack ride card he used. A shadow appeared behind him, a man in robes.

"The driver wasn't meant to use those cards from the was meant to be used when you're stronger...." As the shadow said that, the driver started to produce eletricity, shocking Seth, but kept him in his rider form. Under his mask, Seth's face was twisted with pain as he tried to take off his driver. He noticed that more riders were walking towards him, hoping that they would help him ease the pain. It was Hibiki, as well as Kabuto approaching him, but something was wrong, something very wrong. Kabuto held up his kunai, while Hibiki's drumsticks started to burst into flames.
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