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Old 08/19/07, 09:02 AM   #12
solar gardian rider
Putty Patroller
Join Date: 03/07/09
Location: holland
Posts: 18
Default solar gardian rangers

Chapter 12 power rangers forever
We were on police force buro in valley mow and darkmaster had a plan he haren had found of destiny mosquito net and other old enemies and rebuilt to the Psycho Rangers with extra colours this way that there net this way many waaren as the solar rangers suddenly alarm and we will devastate there and were a snake woman vypera called there the city to and I and kelly and the rest of the gardians asked to nicole2000 how we could cover her julie have aid necessary ranger bowl to me oke we mattered that and nicole they that we old rangers had zoeken on in sting grove to find the mighty morphin power rangers and the zeo rangers turbo ranger power ranger in space and ninja storm ranger they nicole2000 and I and kelly went to sting to grove to youth center and asked there to of the if he knew who the power rangers in this city he they I we left and became for far geloopen by bullk and skull were and we side julie under arest for that julie is us far loopen arest they a lady
That within came them from there looked at only not for need julie them at aresteren do not hear
And who are you then Katherine Hillard they the lady from the way lady differently becomes you also gearesteerd oke no
I do not leave julie them innocently aresteren for this way something they them oke well then aresteren we their later because we zoeken the power ranger of this city the mighty morphin power rangers you know them miss never of heard why retrace julie them a woman who vypra are called has turned and other evil villians from other
Ranger divatox clone destiny mosquito net clone darkspector trakina clone end the machiene empire because we
Rangers the solar ranger from valley mow and our enemy has vypera has been found in space on a planet and the rest old killing enemies gecloned this way that they there are you get doei they we and went from youth center Katherine Hillard they ernie tel. fast Katherine Hillard rang oliver on tommy and they we can told complete tale and tommy better those new rangers believe much have seen after me time as ranger and ranger become they he I ring the rest and we come there to oke Katherine Hillard looked up us and found us
He julie 2 want julie still the ranger spreeken yes side we bowl then they Katherine Hillard
And we went to nasada space poort and were there many people suddenly jason zack trini kimberly billy
Katherine rocky adam aisha tanya gravy tin tj carlos Ashley cassie andros zhane shane dustin cam tori blake for the were there hoped we the solar rangers the other ranger overpowering our and took away morphers and they julie are no rangers but disguised enemies no hear because we can nothing now we be stuck and why
This way we that do not want know we julie and we are a police force service no disguised enemies hear suddenly explosion and vypera and destiny mosquito net and the Psycho Rangers shit their and more colours this time
He there loopen people at the enemies that are clones robots of darkmaster they I
He they have morphers on their arm that is correct they I fire stone morpher to be that
And the clones side fire stone ranger form and became white Psycho Rangers
He they have our activation call they shane and they are white Psycho Rangers they andros no
only hear
Ranger package are same and there do not stop it these ranger package can piece go
Shit but I see Psycho Rangers and new colour look there purple oranje and
They andros this becomes people without our strengths no chance tans heavily
I, however, they tommy dino thunder power up and became the black dino thunder ranger and they energy orb fire and couple of clones piece then saw that the clones machienes were
To be robots they tommy is correct they I

And suddenly tommy saw other ranger he that is our team values the rest of the solar rangers
white ranger kris the green ranger liame lane the silver ranger rapheal mercer wink ranger yram the brown ranger zidane the purple ranger Angelus Reilly William the blue ranger nicole donovan the black ranger destiny Rivera the goude ranger Loren Kasey Googenheim the oranje ranger I they their naamen but they were not their tiger force suit no tommy saw goude zeo ranger and shane saw and tori and dustin saw 3 other ninja storm rangers but difference was the colour of legs and poor of their was yellow and red and blue grey if they strange at them that is shane I and kelly did not become loose gelaaten and recovered morpher and my team came at our hi chef they the black zeo ranger tommy they is you not tray from triforia no they power down I is nicole donovan black tiger solar ranger tiger they tommy yes tiger they I oke team its morping time time for solar power and my team morphte in ranger form and tommy they wouw julie seem my tiger suit to old suit on mijne
tommy knocks and pays attention to white ranger power and I became wiite to ranger tommy say hello against old friend
white Saba and red Saba Saba sides hello old friend long not seen same here how she is possible this
tommy the strengths of the mmpr had been nevertheless destroyed that are correct they Saba but the solar crystals are possible copy power of each time line each year therefore also of year then you white ranger were wouw cool this way julie
all strengths from past to future in possession have dino also my thunder powers
yes that is correct they I nicole has you the trunks you yes thomas beautiful power down
I put the trunks on the ground and burst them and all morphers zaaten in 2 trunks andros here the space powers indicate them you team shane wind ranger powers and the greens samurai ranger powers for cam give them to tori and dustin tommy specialen morpher made for this you sits there in the green and white power coints and saves turbo and saves zeo and dinothunder can you also use wouw cool thanks you they he and gives the rest to you old team oke mmpr powers morphers have made what 2 can keep coins but I see that you more rangers here also the officele morphers can choose then you team which power them there can uses be 2 red rangers there but then at has 1 no 2 colours
suit it white is red also the other colours oke yes gets it wouw everyone has now ranger power yes side them oke then can I it say ready morphen but its morping time time for solar power and ninja storm ranger form samurai storm ranger form thunder storm ranger form saves ranger power yellow ranger power blue ranger power black ranger power winks ranger power white ranger power pays attention rock it 335 smelled explozie and colours and all ranger announce power rangers forever fall we disappoint the clones to and vypra and destiny mosquito net and the Psycho Rangers save ranger want me destroy but andros hold back him and Psycho Rangers say you save I thought
that you had died already dead by old age no hear they andros he thomas can you copy solar morpher also battliser yes certain here you battliser andros he vangde which pressed and on number 3 and became battliser save ranger he andros wait I participate and became also save batlliser space ranger andros cool 2 or US yes certain fire rocket finished now and tree saves Psycho Rangers destroyed he team use battliser against the Psycho Rangers did them also shane for its moter hanglider and I gave extra morpher to the other rangers these morphers am
made by me battliser use them all battlisers sit by means of knopje to they square
you can choose that to look forward to your photograph of the battlisers with save ranger which uses these
or has used the fight was violently heavy and suddenly couple and we called large enemies

ohm one zord saves hawk yellow falcon blue panther orange condor black scorpion brown bear applied lion purple butterfly wink robin gray tiger white phoenix silver wolf green snake
and those came there to the other rangers sides cool zord are able we our zords use yes they save solar gardian ranger because we used that has built these to we and julie zord ash backup we use zords cool the old ranger called their zords and those came there to and the megazords were formed and a large fighting started the solar ranger fell to with their mega the zords each ranger has 1 for that their zord megazords there is at them itself
and I in me save ninja megazord an enemy with my sword and called tommy in its tarragon beat zord on tommy leaves we our zord combine can that then thomas yes with technique
that my team has, however, and the dragonzord became battle vogue and got ninja legs and poor and armor of my ninja zord and the hawk zord wings and double bladded sword
and I they we do the tornado spider attack I let the battle ninja tarragon zord fighting vogue turn around just like a tornado and tommy beat the large enemy with double sword exploded behind our wouw cool they tommy that liquid metal is real cool piece or
technique and our zords have become by combineerbaare there that the rangers are correct
were the winner of this large war and everyone demorpht and ranger had been thanked
for julie aid and as a thanks I have made something what can protect julie in the future
look on the table laagen a new type morphers, however, more than 1 that the ultra morphers and in zit the ranger exoarmor have stopped there there in and those lijken on julie old powers
made twisted of liquid metal and on solar energy with internal battarij on flow these power to store is weaker than you have got used but nevertheless nevertheless improve then nothing
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