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Old 01/26/16, 12:15 AM   #11
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Default Re: Power Rangers Reloaded

Back in her palace on the moon Rita was looking though her telescope at Earth, and said in a sarcastically offended voice “Zordon I’m surprised by you Teenagers?” then she turned to the white creature, and demanded “Finster start making Putties”. Finster then replied obediently “Yes my queen right away”.

Finster then started taking some clay, put it some molds until it took on humanoid shapes, and when he had enough clay figures put them on a tray while the blue pig like creature gloated “Those Putties will make space dust out of those teenagers”.

And Finster added joyfully “And if they don’t we can always make more”. Then he put the tray in an oven that was connected to some tubes, and an explosion came out of the tubes, and when it cleared there was an army of Putties standing there.

Then Rita looked inside the spaceship, and said mockingly at the cowering astronauts “So you two still enjoying our accommodations?” before once again laughing maniacally, and saying “Well soon you won’t be the only guests at my party”.

At the Command Center two strange diamond shaped sirens went off, and Alpha screamed “Aye ye ye” Billy asked “What is it Zordon?” then the viewing globe showed an image of Rita’s Putties outside the Command Center, and Zordon explained “Rita has already sent down an army of putties to stop you before you even become Rangers you must go out, and stop them”. Then Jason said proudly don’t worry Zordon we’ll stop them” as he, and his friends left while Alpha wondered in a worried voice “Are you sure they can do it Zordon?” to which Zordon answered confidentially “I know they will”.
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Old 01/26/16, 12:32 AM   #12
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In her palace Rita was looking at the new Rangers as they were walking around the desert outside the command center, and cheerfully exclaimed “Get the putties it’s time” then she aimed her scepter at the Earth, and said forcefully “Take That”. Then Rita fired another energy beam which hit the ground next to the Rangers as Putties started surrounding them.

“Watch out” Jason warned his friends while Trini asked “What was that?” then the Putties started surrounding the five teens, and Zack warned “Lookout”. Then the Putties grabbed Kimberly by the arms, and Jason cried out “Zack”. Zack then assured him “Don’t worry these two are mine”.

Then Zack distracted the Putties with some hip hop moves before he, Jason, and Trini started punching Putties. Then a Putty came after Billy who put his glasses away but two more Putties grabbed him. Kimberly then did a flip, and kicked off a Putty, and tried to kick another one but it didn’t work.

Then Zack kicked some more Putties while Billy tried to evade his Putties, and got them to bump into each other but they grabbed, and threw him. Then the Putties threw Kimberly, then Zack, then Trini, and finally Jason

Kimberly bemoaned “This day is too weird”. Trini asked panicking “What do we do?” Jason responded with the only thing he knew “Zordon said that these would give us power so let’s use them”. Then they raised their Morphers out in front of themselves.
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Old 01/26/16, 12:46 AM   #13
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Default Re: Power Rangers Reloaded

Zack shouted “Mastodon”, Kimberly shouted “Pterodactyl”, Billy shouted “Triceratops”, Trini shouted “Sabre Tooth Tiger”, and finally Jason shouted “Tyrannosaurus”.

Then Black, Pink, Blue, Yellow, and Red energy emanated from the Morphers, and surrounded the five teenagers before solidifying in the form of five spandex suits with matching Dinosaur themed helmets.

At the Command Center Alpha cheered “Yes they’ve done it Zordon. They’ve made the metamorphosis” Zordon then told Alpha “Good now send them down to Angel Grove Rita has just sent down Goldar”.

Then the Rangers started teleporting again, and Billy pointed out “We’re being teleported again” Kimberly asked “Where are we going?” Kimberly asked, and Jason answered “We’re gonna save the world”.

When they finished teleporting Jason shouted “All right let’s do this”. Then the Rangers did a pose, and shouted “Power Rangers” then Goldar jumped down carrying his sword, and summoned an army of Putties, and ordered them “Get them”, and the Putties attacked the Power Rangers. But one by one the Power Rangers started fighting them off with ease.
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Old 01/26/16, 01:10 AM   #14
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Default Re: Power Rangers Reloaded

Back at Rita’s palace Rita was watching this, and simply shrugged it off with “Those Rangers are gonna wish they never tangled with me I’ll trap them in a time warp the same way I did Zordon. Babbo is the time device ready or have you messed it up?”.

Babboo answered “I managed to get it to work” before hitting the blue pig like creature on the head, and complaining “No thanks to lunkhead over here”. Then the blue pig like creature said “Hey”. Rita seemed impressed “Now that looks okay”.

Babboo explained “It’s all programmed it will fly down to Earth”. Then the blue pig like creature explained “And wherever it lands it will open up a hole in time”. Then Babboo explained “Then Finster’s monster will trap them in the hole, and they’ll be gone forever”.

Rita then went to Finster, and demanded “Fintster the time device is ready. It’s time to make a monster.” Then she gleefully looked at Finster’s collection of living clay monsters, and went “The babies. Which one of the delightfully hideous creatures are we using?”.

Finster then nervously responded as he was working on a clay skeleton monster “Uh none my queen”. I’m making a new monster named Bones I’m sure He’ll be perfect”. And Rita shrugged “He better be”.Then she looked at the finished model of Bones, and cried happily “He’s so gruesome, and ugly just like I wanted.
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Old 01/26/16, 01:36 AM   #15
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Finster then gladly informed her “Thanks my queen. I’ve set the Monster Matic for full power” as he put Bones on a tray, and loaded him into the Monster Matic. Finster then cranked some wheels, and pulled some levers as he gloated “The Power Rangers will be helpless against him”.

Then the Monster Matic roared to life as it started making Bones while Rita worried “What’s taking so long he’s going to be overcooked”. Then an explosion came out of the Monster Matic, and a yellow skeleton with black, and red cape with matching hat appeared, took off his own head, and, and said “I am Bones. How may I serve you?”.

Finster started stroking his beard “Perhaps I should have put it on low?”. Rita then ordered her minions “All right salad brains it’s time to launch the time device. And I don’t want any mistakes I want the Power Rangers gone”.

“Whenever you’re ready to launch” Babboo assured her “Yes”. Rita demanded.” Babboo then informed “All right I just have to push this lever” The blue pig like creature worried “Ooh I hope he knows what he’s doing”. Then Babboo flicked a switch, and gladly proclaimed “And fire”.

Then the miniaturized shuttle roared back to life, and flew all the way from the moon back to Earth. Rita then turned to her telescope, and angrily wondered “Where is that thing? I cant wait to trap those Power geeks in my time warp”. Then she saw it in Angel Grove, and gladly said “There it is”.
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Old 01/26/16, 01:54 AM   #16
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Then the miniaturized shuttle flew through Angel Grove causing chaos in it’s wake while Rita, and her minions cheered on., And at the Command Center the alarms once again went off, and Zordon warned “Rangers it’s Rita she’s opened up a time trap in downtown Angel Grove”.

Back on the moon Rita gladly ordered “All right Bones do your stuff”., and with that Bones ran covering himself with red energy until he teleported away. Then he appeared in Angel Grove disassembled before literally pulling himself together.

At the Command Center Zordon warned “Our scanners have picked up a new threat Rita has just send down Bones to the Angel Grove amusement park”. Zordon explained “He can shoot energy bolts from his eyes, jump long distances, and even make himself disappear. He might be the one that controls the time device so get moving while I analyze the time device.

Then the Power Rangers teleported to Angel Grove amusement park, and once again posed before shouting Power Rangers. But Bones just threw his own head in the air, and mocked “Here Rangers let me give you a heads up”.
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Old 01/26/16, 02:13 AM   #17
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Just then Bones head started spinning around at impossible speed, and before they knew it they were sucked into a vortex, and landed in a strange dark forest like dimension. Jason said “This is weird” Kimberly agreed “Strange”.

Jason asked out loud “What is this place?” when Bones leaped out at them, and he warned “Look out” but Bones was able to attack them, and pulled out a green energy sword. Jason told his friends “Blade Blasters up,

The Rangers then pulled out their red guns from their holsters, and changed them to blade mode. The Rangers charged at Bones who summoned an army of Skeleton warriors to attack the Rangers. While Babboo, and the blue pig like creature emerged from some pumpkins with a bomb with the blue pig creature going “Ooh wee this out to do it”, and Babboo going “Wow this place is weird”.

The blue pig creature then put the bomb by the shuttle, and said “Now to blow up the time device, and trap them here”. “Come on Squat hurry up. You did bring the matches didn’t you ooh I told you not to forget them oh let me see” Babboo ordered searching through Squat’s satchel.

Babboo found them, and gladly proclaimed “Ahh there they are” “Let me do it” Squat demanded as he took a match. “Now hold it steady”. He pleaded, and the fuse lit, and Squat said “There now we’re really going to get it”.
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Old 01/26/16, 02:28 AM   #18
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Then Kimberly saw the lit fuse, and called out “Jason”. Then Jason cried out “We’ve got to stop it”. Then Bones opened up a fissure in the ground but Jason leaped after him, and clashed blades, and Jason ordered “All right blast, and the Rangers fired on Bones.

Bones reassembled himself but Billy figured out his weakness. “We’ve got to destroy his head”. Billy then leaped at Bones, grabbed his head, wrapped it in his cape, and threw it to Trini shouting “Trini catch.”

Trini then ran through Bones’ skeleton warriors before finding the fissure, and saying “It’s over Bone Head”, and throwing Bones’ head into the fissure destroying it, and causing the rest of Bones to explode as well.

But on the moon Rita was undaunted She once again shrugged “I’m not through yet. Send to Earth the Giant, and just like that a giant red, and black knight with a silver helmet appeared, and forced it’s into hand the time warp.
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Old 01/26/16, 03:34 AM   #19
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The giant grabbed Jason, and pulled him back into the real world but Jason just taunted the monster with “Let me go you big ugly ox”. While the fuse on the shuttle was running so Squat exclaimed “Let’s get out of here”.

Billy then grabbed the shuttle, and he, and the rest of the Rangers leaped back to the real world as well. While Jason was able to free himself from the Giant’s grip with his Blade Blaster in gun mode. But the Giant came after them with his Sword, and tried to stomp on them.

Jason then cried out “Zordon we need Dinozord Power now.” Then the Earth crackled, and from a fissure in Earth the Tyrannosaurus Dinozord rose, and Jason gladly proclaimed “Now that’s what I call power. Let’s kick some Giant”.

Jason then jumped into the Tyrannosaurs Dinozord’s cockpit. Impressed Jason said “Woah Dinozord power on” as he activated the controls of the Zord.
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Old 01/26/16, 03:36 AM   #20
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Then the Tyrannosaurus, and the Giant charged at each other but then the Giant slashed his sword at the Tyrannosaurus while the other Rangers watched on the ground. But Billy had an Idea.

“Wait I’ve got” he proclaimed he then looked inside the spaceship, and politely asked the astronauts “Hey excuse me but could you guys set your controls for maximum overdrive”. The astronauts shrugged “Sure if you guys can get us out of here”.

Zack was skeptical “But what about the astronauts?”. Kimberly assured him “Don’t worry I’ll get them” as she grabbed the miniaturized astronauts, and landed them safely on the ground.

Then the Rangers aimed the empty shuttle at the giant, and Billy asked “Hey Jason try grabbing the Giant”. Jason saw what was going on, and agreed “Got ya I’m on it” As the Tyrannosaurus grabbed the Giant. Then the Rangers fired the shuttle at the Giant which didn’t destroy him but allowed Jason to get the upper hand.

While at the Command Center Alpha was working on a device when Zordon inquired “Alpha is the Molecular Restablizer ready?” Alpha answered “Just about. There it’s ready.” Zordon replied good now teleport it to the Rangers”. Then Alpha hit some more buttons, and teleported the device away.

Back at the fight the Tyrannosaurus started tail whipping the Giant. “Time to chill this dude out” Jason quipped as he hit some switches on his control panel which caused the Tyrannosaurus to let out a sonic attack which reduced the Giant to dust.

Then the Molecular Restablizer appeared in Billy’s hands as a message from Zordon cried out “Rangers use this device to restore the astronauts”. “Affirmative Zordon” Billy complied as he used the device on the astronauts to proper size.
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