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Old 03/18/16, 09:53 PM   #331
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Default Re: Power Rangers Reloaded

In the Dark Dimension Goldar said "Feeling helpless Green Ranger? You should because as we speak your friends must think you've already turned back to our side. But for now Rita will cast the spell that will drain your powers".

At her palace Rita was intoning "Mashak Rasha Shamba green candle drain Tommy's powers". Then the Tommy's Power Coin started glowing, then the glow spread to the candle. Then Goldar took the coin, put it back in Tommy's Morpher, and threw it to him where he couldn't get to it.

Goldar then fired beams from his eyes which lit the candle. Goldar then mocked "Now in just a few short hours the candle will burn out, and your Green Ranger powers will be gone forever". Goldar laughed. Goldar then said "But first my empress summons me for battle but don't think of escaping. Those electron cuffs should keep you here till I get back", and Goldar teleported out.
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Old 03/18/16, 09:53 PM   #332
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Default Re: Power Rangers Reloaded

The Rangers were punching, and kicking the Super Putties when Goldar appeared, and started slashing stabbing them with his sword. The Rangers started slashing, and stabbing with their own weapons until the imitation Dragonzord attacked them.

Jason then called out "We need Dinozord power". Then the Dinozords appeared, and the Rangers jumped into their Zords. Then the Zords combined into the Dinosaur Tank which then transformed into the Megazord.

Then the Megazord started punching the fake Dragonzord. But the fake Dragonzord kept slashing, tail whipping, and firing missiles at the Megazord". Zack cried out "This may not be him but we could sure use the real Tommy's help". Jason assured him "He's just gotta get back I just know it".
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Old 03/18/16, 09:53 PM   #333
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Default Re: Power Rangers Reloaded

In the Dark Dimension Goldar teleported back, and said "Well I got some delightfully awful news for you. While you slowly watch your power waste away Rita's latest monster is already destroying your friends how do you feel about that?".

Tommy cried out "You'll never get away with this". Goldar just mocked "But we already have". Then Tommy willed himself out the electron cuffs as Goldar cried out "What bur how?". Tommy then picked up his Morpher, put it back on, and grabbed Goldar sword.

Tommy called out "I saw how you took us here. Let's see if it works in reverse". Tommy then teleported himself, and Goldar out of the Dimension. Tommy then got his Morpher, and cried out "Dragon", and teleported as Goldar mocked "Yes go help your pathetic friends but you're just delaying the inevitable".
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Old 03/18/16, 09:54 PM   #334
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Default Re: Power Rangers Reloaded

Tommy teleported to the fight but he fainted a bit. The other Rangers saw him, and Jason cried out "All right Tommy". Kimberly said "Are you okay?". Tommy said "It's a long story but I think Rita's trying to drain my powers".

Tommy then said "But first let's get Dragonzord under control". Tommy then blew into his Dragon Dagger but nothing worked. Tommy cried out "Oh no it's already starting". Then all of a sudden another Dragonzord appeared.

Jason called out "Now there's two Dragonzords but which one's real?". Tommy said "Come on old friend let's show this fake what happens when you mess with the genuine article". The Dragonzord nodded it's head as Tommy jumped in.

The real Dragonzord then slashed, and tail whipped the imposter one while the Megazord punched it, and then summoned the Power Sword to slash, and stab it. Then the imposter Dragonzord started glowing.

The Imposter Dragonzord then transformed into the Cyclops which then whined "Curse you Rangers you figured me out". Billy explained "It's some kind of shape shifting Cyclops". Jason said "He lost his shape when we hurt him".

Then the Cyclops started glowing as he changed through multiple forms. All the while he mocked "So Rangers am I the Megazord? Maybe I'm the Dragon Battlezord. Either way I can be all your Zords so you Rangers better watch out". Then the Cyclops teleported out.
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Old 03/18/16, 09:54 PM   #335
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Default Re: Power Rangers Reloaded

At her palace Rita was pleased she said "For once things are starting to go my way. Not only did the Rangers fall for the Cyclops' trick but the green candle is still draining his powers. Earth will be mine at last".

At the Command Center Alpha was running a scan on Tommy. Tommy said "I don't get it Zordon I feel fine but earlier my powers wouldn't work". Tommy asked "Is what Rita said true can she really take my powers like that?".

Zordon explained "Unfortunately yes. There exists a special magic wax from the Gamma Tri system when linked to a power coin it will slowly drain the coin's powers forever". Zordon continued "Originally we used it when Lord Zedd betrayed the Power Rangers in order stop him but Rita it seems has found a way to turn that against us".

Billy asked "Is there anyway to stop it?". Zordon explained "At this time I don't know one way could be to infiltrate Rita's dimension, and steal back the candle. Then maybe I can find a way to reverse it". Jason said "Well we just have to find out how". While in the Dark Dimension the candle kept melting.

To be concluded.

Only 3 more left everyone.

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Old 03/18/16, 09:55 PM   #336
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Default Re: Power Rangers Reloaded

Power Rangers Dino Episode 18

The Green Candle Part 2

Written by Justin Best

At the Command Center Tommy asked "So how do I go into the Dark Dimension?". Zordon explained "You don't. You're prescence in the Dark Dimension will only serve to accelerate the process". Jason said "I'll go". Tommy said "No way man it's too dangerous".

Jason assured him "Hey I'm the only other Ranger whose been there I know what I'm doing". Tommy said "But we still don't know how to get in there". Billy said "Not quite I can get a lock on the Super Putties' molecular patterns from when they teleported Tommy to the Dark Dimension, and build a device that can take us there".

Zordon agreed "An excellent idea Billy. Another solution would be to find who created the candle in the first place". Tommy said "How do we do that?". Zordon explained "Just call Quagmire". Then Quagmire, and Nemo teleported in.

Quagmire asked "Say my name and I appear. Now what calls Quagmire here?". Tommy explained "Quagmire Rita's made some magic candle out of some magic wax to drain my powers, and Zordon says you know who made it".

Nemo explained "Yeah my mom made it". Jason said "You mean Millennia?". Nemo explained "Yes if you go back to the Island of Illusion I'm sure mother will know how to prevent the candle from stealing Tommy's powers".

Quagmire agreed "If there's a way to keep Tommy's green glow. I'm sure Millennia would know". Jason said "Okay first Billy has to get a lock on the Dark Dimension then we'll help him make the device to go there. Then I go into the Dark Dimension, and get the candle while Zack, and Billy go to the Island of Illusion to see if Millennia can help". Everyone else nodded.

Last edited by Zabitan; 11/18/17 at 08:02 PM.
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Old 03/18/16, 09:57 PM   #337
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At the Command Center the Rangers, and the others had finally finished working on Billy's machines. Billy said "There that should do it the molecular decoders are ready. Now we just need to get to the park, and we can go to Rita's dimension".

The Rangers teleported off, and landed in the park. Bulk, and Skull were walking around when they noticed the Rangers. Bulk said "Hey what are those dweebs doing?". Bulk, and Skull walked up to the Rangers, and Bulk demanded "Hey geekazoids this is our private park".

Billy went up to them, and said "Actually gentlemen this a public park. Anyone can come". Skull retorted "Yeah anyone except you lame ohs". Kim said "Knock it off guys we're working". Bulk looked at the devices they were carrying, and said "Hey what are those things? Tell me now, or better yet I'll take them".

Bulk tried to run at the Rangers, and take the devices but everytime he did the Rangers ran out of the way, and eventually he ran into Skull, and a trash can, and they both rolled down the hill. The Rangers activated the devices, and Jason said "Okay guys I'm going in". Then Jason entered the portal.

Zack then called out "Hey Quagmire we're ready". Then teleported in, and said "Well let's not be slow to the island we go". Zack said "Okay Kimberly, Trini hold these until Jason gets back". Kimberly agreed "Got it", and Zack, and Billy teleported with Quagmire.
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Old 03/18/16, 09:57 PM   #338
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Default Re: Power Rangers Reloaded

At the Command Center Nemo asked "Are you okay Tommy?". Tommy answered "Yeah but I'm worried about the others. I just no Rita's not gonna let them get the candle that easily". Then the alarms went off, and the Viewing Globe showed the Dragon Battlezord rampaging Angel Grove.

Tommy said "The Dragon Battlezord? That's impossible all the Zords are on standby in their hangars". Zordon explained "This must be the work of Rita's Cyclops monster. She wants to draw us out, and prevent us from getting the candle".

Alpha asked "Should I contact the Rangers, and abort the mission?". Tommy said "No way everyone worked this hard this long I can't let it all go to waste. I'll hold him off as long as I still have my powers until the others get back".

Zordon said "Are you sure Tommy? The Cyclops is one of Rita's most powerful monsters". Nemo agreed "Zordon's right Tommy. What if he transformed into the Mega Dragonzord, or the Ultrazord while you just had the Dragonzord?" Tommy said "I guess I'll just have to hope the other arrive in time". Then Tommy cried out "Dragon", and teleported to where the Cyclops was rampaging.
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Old 03/18/16, 09:58 PM   #339
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Default Re: Power Rangers Reloaded

Jason teleported into the Dark Dimension but Goldar was already there. Goldar mocked "Hello old friend this is a most unexpected pleasure. But if you think you're gonna get the green candle that easily you've got another thing coming". Then Goldar tried to stab, and slash Jason while Jason punched, and kicked Goldar.

In the Island of Isllusion Billy, Zack, and Quagmire appeared. Then Millennia's magic mountain appeared, and Billy said "Look it's Millennia's magic mountain". Zack said "Let's hurry". The Rangers got up, and Millennia said "Ah Billy, Zack what brings you here?".

Billy explained "Millennia Rita used some kind of magic wax to make a candle to steal Tommy's powers. Zordon said you made it to stop Lord Zedd is there anyway to stop it". Millennia explained "Unfortunately once the candle is linked to the coin, and burns out nothing can be done". Millennia continued "However whoever has the powers can choose someone else to have the powers".
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Old 03/18/16, 09:58 PM   #340
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In Angel Grove Tommy summoned the Dragonzord, and then jumped into it's cockpit, and started slashing, and tail whipping the Cyclops. The Cyclops transformed back into his real form. But the Cyclops was undaunted, and said "Okay but try this on for size", and transformed into the Megazord.

Billy, and Zack then teleported back to the park. Kimberly asked "So what did Millennia say? Can she help?". Zack said "No dice but Tommy can still give the powers to somebody else". Zack then asked "What about Jason?". Kimberly answered "He's still not back yet".

Then their communicators started beeping, and Zack answered "What is it Zordon?". Zordon explained "Rangers abort the mission. Tommy is fighting Rita's Cyclops in downtown Angel Grove, and only the Ultrazord can destroy it".

Zack said "All right but first we have to get Jason". Kimberly asked "But what about the candle?". Zack said "We'll get it later", and jumped into the portal. Jason was still fighting Goldar when Zack appeared, and said "Jason, Jason we've got to go".

Jason said "But if I leave Tommy will lose his powers". Zack replied if we don't leave he could lose his life". Then Jason, and Zack left. At the park Kimberly asked "Did you get the candle?". Jason replied "Not yet".
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