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Old 03/18/16, 09:59 PM   #341
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Default Re: Power Rangers Reloaded

Zack said "Come on you guys we don't have much time left". The Rangers all called out "Mastodon", "Pterodactyl", "Triceratops", "Saber Tooth Tiger", "Tyrannosaurus". Then the Rangers teleported to downtown Angel Grove.

The Rangers immediately summoned the Dinozords, and formed the Megazord. Tommy asked "Any luck you guys?". Jason said "I didn't get the candle yet". Zack answered "We tried to ask Millennia but she says she can't stop it but you can give your powers to someone else".

Tommy said "Well first things first let's just deal with this guy". The other Rangers agreed, and The Megazord helped the Dragonzord by punching the Cyclops, and caused him to transform back. The Cyclops just bragged "I've got a million tricks".

The Cyclops kept changing forms from the Dragonzord, The Tyrannosaurus, The Megazord, and the Dragonzord. All the while the Rangers kept switching between the Megazord, and the Dragon Battlezord.

Eventually Jason said "We can't keep this up. It's time for some Ultrazord power". Then Titanus appeared, and all seven Zords combined to form the Ultrazord which fired all it's weapons on the Cyclops, and destroyed him.
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Old 03/18/16, 09:59 PM   #342
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But Tommy started clutching his chest as he started glowing. Tommy cried out "Oh no my powers". Jason cried out "Oh no Tommy is there something we can do?". Tommy replied "No but there's something I can do", and teleported off.

Kimberly cried out "Oh no Tommy". Zack cried "Where is he?". Tommy teleported to the Island of Illusion, and called out "Millennia the white sorceress I wish for you to be free from the Island of Illusion".

Then a blast of white light burst forth, and Tommy found himself back in Angel Grove. But this time Millennia was there, and she said "Thanks Green Ranger. Thanks to you I am free, and can see my husband, and son for the first time in 10,000,000 years".

Then Jason teleported in, and said "Tommy are you okay?". Tommy answered "Yes but I gave away all my powers to free Millennia so Rita couldn't steal them". Jason cried out "But why?" Tommy just said "I'll explain later".
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Old 03/18/16, 10:00 PM   #343
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Default Re: Power Rangers Reloaded

Millennia then explained "That's not entirely true Rangers. Hurry give Jason the green Power Coin". Tommy said "Right, and gave Jason the coin, and the Dragon Shield, and Dragon Dagger went to Jason". Millennia explained "There's still enough power for Jason to have the Dragon Shield, and Dagger as well as the Dragonzord but not enough for Tommy to become the Green Ranger anymore".

Jason said "All right bro let's get you to the Command Center". Tommy agreed "All right let's do it". Then all the Rangers teleported in, and Tommy almost fell into Nemo. Nemo cried "What happened Tommy?".

Zordon explained "Tommy has used most of his powers to release Millennia from the Island of Illusion, and gave the rest to Jason to prevent Rita from having them". Tommy started glowing brighter as he asked "Zordon what's happening".

Zordon explained "Without your powers you're the energy holding your suit together is dissipating". Then Tommy unmorphed, and Jason asked "Are you okay bro?". Tommy answered "Yeah". Nemo then asked "Why did you do it Tommy?".

Tommy explained "Because I wanted you to see this. Hey Millennia". Then Millennia appeared in the Command Center, and Quagmire, and Nemo ran up to her, and hugged her. Nemo cried out "Mommy", and Quagmire added "Aye I thought I'd wait all my life, and never again see my beloved wife".

Tommy said "Hey I've already blew up a gazzilion monsters. I never gave a kid his mother back before". Zordon said "You have fought gallantly to defend light, and good from darkness, and evil. Your courage, and sacrifice will not be forgotten".

Jason agreed "Yeah man all this proves is that powers or no powers you're still a Ranger, and that's all that matters". Tommy said "Thanks I guess somewhere along the way I realized power is cool, and all but helping others is what matters".

At her palace Rita was furious. She yelled "No, No, This can't be. They destroyed my beautiful hideous Cyclops, and when I finally got my hands on the Green Ranger powers again that fool had to go, and free that cursed Millennia". Then she kicked her globe, and shouted "One of you Zandozans get me an asprin. I've got such a headache".
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Old 03/18/16, 10:00 PM   #344
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Default Re: Power Rangers Reloaded

At the Park Tommy was practicing karate. Kimberly appeared, and said "Everyone told me you would be here. I miss you, we all do." Tommy replied "Yeah I've been hanging out trying to stay busy with karate, and school".

Tommy continued "I'll still hang out with you guys. Plus you were a team long before I got there". Tommy then said "Hey Kimberly I've got something to ask". Kimberly asked "What is it?". Tommy asked "Will you go to the dance with me this Saturday?".

Kimberly gave it some thought, and said "All right I'll go but I didn't want it to be that easy for you". Then Tommy smiled, and kissed Kimberly, and then picked her up, and they both started laughing, as Tommy twirled her around.

The End.

Only 2 more to go next up is part 1 of the epic finale to Power Rangers Reloaded: Doomsday.

Keep Reading everyone.
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Old 03/18/16, 10:01 PM   #345
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Default Re: Power Rangers Reloaded

Power Rangers Dino Episode 19

Doomsday Part 1

Written by Justin Best

It was a special day at Angel Grove high. Kimberly was reading the newspaper. She said "And in honor of their courageous efforts to defend justice Mayor Ackleberry has declared today Power Rangers day". Jason said "All right".

Kimberly continued "Mayor Ackleberry hopes that the mysterious superheroes will make a public appearance". Kimberly asked "So what do you guys think?". Jason said "Oh I have a feeling their going to show up".

Meanwhile Bulk, and Skull went up to Bulk's locker as Bulk said "Okay Skull everybody, and their grandpa's monkey is going to be there for this Power Rangers day, and we're going to steal a little bit of their thunder".

Last edited by Zabitan; 11/18/17 at 08:03 PM.
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Old 03/18/16, 10:01 PM   #346
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Default Re: Power Rangers Reloaded

At her palace Rita was chanting "Rasha Masha Shambra Oh ancient spirits of evil give me a way to destroy the Rangers once, and for all". Then Rita's skull started glowing, and shot a beam into her crystal ball. Squatt asked "What is it Rita?".

Rita explained "It's the secret location of Cyclopsis the Warzord". Goldar asked "Really?". Babboo added "We haven't seen that Zord in 10,000,000 years". Rita continued "It says we have to banish everyone in Angel Grove to the Dark Dimension, then feed all their negative energy to Cyclopsis, and we'll be unstoppable. Goldar agreed "That's brilliant my queen".

All of a sudden a boy with white hair wearing white clothes appeared. The boy jumped around Rita's palace as Scorpina tried to slash him with her sword but the boy kept jumping around. Rita aimed her scepter, and Goldar, and Scorpina aimed their swords but the Boy said "Hi mom".

Goldar said "Mom?" Babboo said "Is it true?", and Finster said "I didn't know you had son my horribleness" Rita explained "I did I mean I do but I lost him 10,000,000 years ago after". Rita interrupted herself to say "Well that's all in the past wait till your father hears the good news Thrax".

Thrax said "Oh don't worry mom he already knows. He's the one who helped bring me back". Rita was ecstatic "You mean he's coming home?". Thrax nodded, and said "Yeah he just needs some help summoning him again but he wants to help us destroy the Rangers, and Earth one last time too".

Rita was even more enjoyed "That's splendid I was just about to go to Earth to trap everyone in Angel Grove in the Dark Dimension, and resurrect the Warzord Cyclopsis. And now that you, and your father are back it's just gonna get worse for the Rangers from here".
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Old 03/18/16, 10:02 PM   #347
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Default Re: Power Rangers Reloaded

At Angel Grove park it seemed like everyone in Angel Grove was at the park for Power Rangers day. Jason said "Man it's like everyone in the city is here". Zack agreed "And they all came to see us man. Speaking of which should we change into costume?".

Jason said "Not right now. Let's try to mingle in with the crowd. That way we lessen the chances of anyone finding out who we're really are". Zack nodded, and saw Angela. Zack asked "Hey Angela I'm really serious you want to go out tonight?".

Angela said "Maybe if you were a Power Ranger I'd say yes", and walked off while Jason laughed. Then they looked, and saw Jason's dad arm wrestle Trini's dad while Jason's mother, Trini's mother, and Trini watched.

Trini's dad beat Jason's as Jason's dad said "Man I thought I was going to win that time but you got me". Trini's dad said "Well you know how we are. Mental strength, and physical strength go hand in hand". Then Tao showed up, and said "Oh Tao where's Tommy?".

Tao answered "Oh he's coming it's just that there's some last minute work he's getting done". Jason said "Oh man I hope he doesn't feel too left out". Then Kimberly's mother, and Steve showed up. Kimberly's mother asked "Oh Trini have you seen Kim around. Her father's here".

Then Kimberly's father showed up, and Trini said "You know I think I saw somewhere around here I'll look for her". Meanwhile Bulk, and Skull snuck into some restrooms, and came out wearing superhero costumes.

Bulk, and Skull took the stage as Bulk said "Citizens of Angel Grove meet your newest superheroes The incredible Bulkster". Skull added "And his sidekick Super Skull the boy wonderful". Then Bulk, and Skull started flexing their muscles.
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Old 03/18/16, 10:03 PM   #348
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Everyone in the crowd started laughing. Zack said "That is classic", and a little boy said "If you guys are super heroes prove it". Another boy said "Yeah show us your super powers". Bulk said "All right good citizens".

Then Bulk, and Skull did some fake karate as everyone in the crowd laughed. Meanwhile Trini found Kimberly. Trini asked "Are you okay Kim?". Kimberly said "Yeah it's just I'm not too sure about seeing my parents together after the divorce".

Kim continued "It's just that sometimes I still think it was my fault, I don't even think my dad's gonna show up". Trini assured her "You know that's not true. Besides both of them are here, and they both want to see you". Kimberly said "Okay".

All of a sudden a swarm of Super Putties appeared, and ambushed Kimberly, and Trini. Kimberly, and Trini tried to fight off the Super Putties. Jason's communicator started beeping, and Jason, Zack, and Billy went to where no one could see them.

Jason answered "What's wrong Zordon?". Zordon answered "Rangers Kimberly, and Trini are being ambushed by Super Putties". Jason complied "We're on it Zordon" Billy, and Zack nodded, and they all left.
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Old 03/18/16, 10:03 PM   #349
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Meanwhile in Angel Grove forest Thrax was walking at the Command Center the alarms went off. The Viewing Globe showed Thrax as Alpha panicked "No, No, This can't be. Is that Thrax? I haven't seen him in 10,000,000 years".

Alpha continued "I thought that he". Zordon interrupted "He did but it seems either Rita or Zedd finally found the spell to undo it we must alert the Rangers at once". The Super Putties retreated and Jason's communicator started beeping again.

Jason asked "Yes Zordon?". Zordon said "Rangers I don't have time to explain this but morph, and head down to Angel Grove forest". Jason asked "Is it Rita?". Zordon answered "I'm afraid it might be something much worse".

Jason cried out "Okay guys it's Morphing time". Then They all called out "Mastodon", "Pterodactyl", "Triceratops", "Saber Tooth Tiger", and "Tyrannosaurus". The Rangers teleported to the forest. Thrax then bragged "Well hello Rangers ready to get pulverized?".

Zack said "You gotta be kidding he's just a kid". Thrax said "I may be a kid but I can still pound you troublesome Rangers into space dust then Mom, and Dad will be happy". Billy asked "Who are they?". Thrax mocked "That's for me to know, and you to find out".
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Old 03/18/16, 10:04 PM   #350
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Default Re: Power Rangers Reloaded

Meanwhile at Rita's palace Rita ordered "Are you finished with the vortex beam, and the hypno gas yet Finster?". Finster replied "Yes oh horrible one we just have to land the palace on Earth, and expose everyone to the gas, and they will be your slaves".

Finster continued "Then the vortex beam will transport every human in Angel Grove to the Dark Dimension forever". Rita said "Well pack your bags everyone we're going to Earth". Squatt said "Oh boy should I bring my bathing suit?".

Then once again the buildings in Downtown Angel Grove started coming loose, and once again crowded together as Rita's palace once again came down to Earth. At the Command Center Alpha once again panicked "Aye ye ye Rita's palace is once again entering Earth's atmosphere".

Alpha continued "If she lands her powers will be even greater". Zordon explained "This is worse than I feared we can only hope she hasn't found the secret of Cyclopsis the Warzord". Rita's palace landed, and Rita, and her minions came out.

Rita mocked "Hello citizens of Angel Grove I thought I'd crash your little Power Ranger party, and rain on it a bit". Then tubes came out of the base of the palace, and sprayed a dark purple mist. Everyone in Angel Grove park breathed in the mist, and became hypnotized.

Then one by one every person in Angel Grove disappeared in beams of light. Rita cackled "Now everyone in Angel Grove is my prisoner, and not even the Power Rangers can stop me". Rita then said "Now to cast my spell of misery, and bring back Cyclopsis".
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