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Old 03/02/15, 08:51 AM   #6
Becky G
Power Ranger
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Default Re: Power Rangers Super Samurai

Power Rangers Super Samurai Chapter 6

(Appears at the Sanzu River)

Ah the neither world is still here...and so is Master Xandred's ship...maybe there might be someone on that thing to help keep those meddling rangers busy while me and the green ranger finish what we started.

*Streaks on to the ship*

Now where is everybody.

*Sees Octoroo sobbing over losing Master Xandred*

Hey nighlok...

Octoroo: What? and who are you?

Why I'm Psycho Green and you must be Octoroo...I heard about you...wasn't you the master's right hand general of his army?

Octoroo: Ooo ah ooo yes I was....whats it to you? and before you ask the answer is no....

All I want from you was a nighlok to keep the other rangers busy while me and the green ranger finish our battle once and for all.

Octoroo: Well in that case I can help...the river is still crawling with nighloks waiting to fight those rangers but they have no way out to fight them...but you can help with that I seen that you summon the moogers and helped them cross over and if you can do that for them you can do it for the nighloks...

Yes I can bring any creatures over to the real world with me and I can even summon them as well...so do you have a creature in mind?

Octoroo: Yes his name is Nakinakite....he can steal the dreams and desires from all the kids putting them in a sadness state.

Thats perfect...summon him...now.

Octoroo: *Goes to the edge of the boat and snaps fingers summoning Nakinakite*

Nakinakite rise.

*Nakinakite rises up out of the river and on to the ship*

Nakinakite: Who dares to summon the great Nakinakite?

That would be me....without your master nighlok you can't go to earth and feed on the kids dreams and hopes you need me and I need you what you say want to work together.

Nakinakite: Yes you get me to a park and I will do the rest...those rangers will wish they never destroy the master.

Yes destroy all the rangers except....the green one....he's mine.

Nakinakite: As you wish...

*Goes back to earth with Nakinakite*

*Em was outside playing her flute and training hard to help fight Chad Psy Green to stay away from and destryoing Mike*

Wakes up walks outside and sees Em.

*Sees Mia and stops flute as I almost hit my fists*

Sorry Mia didn't hear you come out.

I was really quiet.

Yeah just training hard to see if I can keep Chad from hurting Mike I can't lose him so I'm training, how's everyone else.

Good but Em i know Chad wants to destroy him but Lauren is fed up with him but there might be someone else besides him maybe a monster and Octoroo might want to seperate us from Mike so psy green can destroy him didn't Antonio come back.

Was walking around the city in the park relaxing behind one of the trees to myself stupid green psycho always wanting to destroy Mike i am so fed up with him he's gonna pay for hurting Antonio i will make sure of that even if it means i get hurt more than before.

He should be in his room, I'm not letting them separate us from Mike not while I'm still here.

Remember still have Lauren too.

I know, can you get me some tea I'm gonna train some more.

Gets some tea puts it on the table pours some in a cup sits down and watches.

*Wakes up early to go fishing to try to relax*

*Trains hard hitting the dummy and feels the baby kick and looks at Mia*

Mia, want to feel the baby kick.

Walks over with a cup of tea hands it to you feels the baby kick.

*Appears in a park feeding on the kids happiness and attaching leeches on the parents to take their happiness*

Ha ha that's right humans....give me your happiness.

*Sees and hears the cries*

I wonder whats going on over there.

*Packs up my stuff running towards the commotion and sees a nighlok attacking the humans*

I got to do something...*Runs out from around the corner*

Hold it right there nighlok.

Oh look the gold ranger...your happiness is going to make a nice trophy for me and psycho green.

Not if I destroy you first...

*Pull out my samuraizer*


Ha...this is going to be easy....

*Tries to deploy the leeches on the gold ranger*

Gets there morphed Did i miss something.

*Jumps out the way and jumps up slashing the nighlok*

*Blocks the attack and counters by hitting the gold ranger with my club*


*Gets knocked back all the way to Mia*

Oh hey glad to see you here...this nighlok is tough...he's stealing peoples happiness.

If he steals ours then Mike or Lauren would be the only ones left.

Enough with the chit chat...now give me your happiness.

*Shoots out the leeches at the pink and gold rangers*

*Em sits down knowing it won't be long til the baby comes as she heads to the fight*

Mia look out.

*Pushes Mia out the way taking the hit*

What is this...

*The leeches start sucking the happiness from me demorphing me*

Antonio are you ok please don't let Lauren see you like this.

That's one down...and one more to go...

*Attacks the pink ranger with my club*

I feel so sad.....

*The leeches start to grow*

*Em sees Antonio down and sees Mia and whispers*

No I have to help them but I can't Mike isn't here to fight so I have to and be careful not to hurt the baby, he'll kill me if I do also knowing she can't morph.,


Ant what is going on why didn't you call me.

Blocks the club with my spin sword.

Em the nighlok is taking peoples happiness he even took Antonio's Lauren isn't going to be happy.

Well I can't do anything about that it's Nighlok meaning whoever is happy won't be for long.

Ooh...the yellow ranger is here....I want your happiness.

*Shoots out the leeches at Emily*

You know psy green wants to destroy Mike that's why he sent the nighlok here.

Uses my spin sword throwing the leeches from Em.

Mia, Mike isn't here and I can't fight like this i can't morph my suit won't fit.

Why didn't I call my friends....

*Still feeling even more sad the leeches double in size making it hard for me to get up*

Don't tell me your almost due if the nighlok takes your happiness you and the baby won't be happy.

What do you want me to do sit this one out while he takes people's happiness.

Gets there and sees Em, Mia and Antonio runs over to him helping him up and taking him away from the battle Antonio what did he do to you.

*Looks at Mia*

Mia thanks for helping back there but I should head back it won't be long til I'm due.

Yeah until the baby is born then you can fight.


Can you keep an eye on Mike if he fights Chad Psy Green.

*Gets helped up but then falls back down under the weight of the leeches*

I should never had come...

*Still feeling sad the leeches gets bigger*

Sure i can i always will cause he will have to be there with you when the baby is born.

Shoot I forgot if he gets hurt than he won't be able to help me.

*Starts to cry a little as I head back to the house*

Antonio look at me you had to help that's what we do we help people.

The red ranger is here...your happiness will make the most valuable trophy of them all...

*Looks over at the gold ranger*

He's no use to you....soon those leeches will crush the man you call the gold ranger and there is nothing you can do about it.


*Calls Lauren*

Get him back to the house I'll try and help him.

*Still feeling to sad to look up the leeches grow more*

I don't think so that is never going to happen Helps him up with the help of Mia and brings him back to the house.

Em how are you gonna help him.

*Sees him*

I don't know anyway I can.

How do we get the leeches off him.

I don't know I'll try something just be careful.

I will and i know Lauren will too she doesn't want him to stay like this.

You can't rangers....not without destroying me.

*Shoots out the leeches at the red ranger*

Give me your happiness.

I'll take care of Antonio just destroy the freak.

I don't think so Uses the double fire smasher throwing the leeches away.

I'll get you next time...

*Disappears into the cracks*

If Kev and i get hit with the leeches then Lauren is gonna be the only one who can destroy him cause if she gets them no one can stop him i remember she defeated Fiera on her own maybe she can defeat him on her own too she has her spin sword and double fire smasher.

Goes for a nice long walk thinking of a way to defeat Nakinakite on my own so Antonio can go back to normal i hate seeing him like this i have to defeat him like i did with Fiera but i also hate Chad for hurting Antonio and trying to destroy Mike No one messes with my team when i'm here don't care what happens to me i protect my team.

Antonio tell me how I can get them off you.

*Doesn't answer still feeling to sad and the leech grew triple in size*

We have to try until Lauren can destroy the nighlok.

Ant power down so I see how far they've gotten,

*As Em waits for Antonio she just paces back and forth worried about Mike*

Keeps walking around looking for Chad and thinking how to destroy the nighlok so i can get Antonio back to normal i hate seeing him like this.

*Calls Mike*

Mike please be careful fighting Chad Psy Green, I don't want you hurt cause Ant is out of comission cause of leeches that grow when he gets more depressed thanks to the Nighlok, Mia protected me from getting depressed but if Mia, and Kev get it Lauren's the only one who can destroy the nighlok but no one will help deliever our baby if you get hurt as welll as the others.

*Appears back in the city stealing more kids happiness*

Ha ha ha...give me your happiness and tears....Master Xander would be proud of me if he was here....

*Vanishes leaving the kids crying and the adults stuck under more of the leeches*

Em don't worry i'm sure Mike will be fine.

Still walking looking for Chad and also how to destroy he nighlok so Antonio can go back to normal Hang on Ant i'm gonna try to destroy the nighlok and get you back.

*Still laying there upset*

This....thing...is heavy.....

*Looks at Antonio*

I'm gonna destroy that nighlok pregnant or not snap out of it.

*Smacks him*

Em Lauren is gonna destroy that nighlok if you get hit with those leeches your out.

I don't care Mike never cared about me or the baby, I'm gonna find Chad and beat his butt.

~Leaves to look for the nighlok.

Em that's not true he's happy about that i'm gonna go with Kev try to get through to Antonio.

Just be careful and find Lauren and get her back here to stay with Antonio cause I'm leaving to take a walk.

Waits outside for mia~

Becareful Em ~Says to himself.

Walks outside.

Ready to go but if she gets hit with those leeches and we get hit Lauren is the only one while Mike fights Chad.

All I'm doing is taking a walk maybe clear my head heading away from the battle.

We have to be careful.

Yeah but you have faith in Lauren she has the double fire smasher.


*Em gets up and walks outside and heads off in the opposite direction to the park*

Let's go find that nighlok.

Nods then starts to run.

Follows behind you.

Stops as I reach the block corner.

*Appears in the park taking the kids happiness and putting leeches on the adults*

Ha ha ha soon all the happiness in the world will belong to the nighloks.

We have to be careful.

What way?

Mike sees him and kicks him into a tree.

Listens for the nighlok.

*Em is sitting in the far end of the park listening to the screams and hides as she calls Kev and Mia*

Mia, Kev the nighlok is in the park taking kids happiness and placing leeches on adults.

Answer's the call then looks at mia~

The park.

I'm staying away I don't want anything to happen to me or the baby.

That's where Lauren me and Antonio were the first time he got hit with leeches.

Let's go but be careful.

Right Walks with you holding your hand.

Holds yours as we walk.

If we get hit it's all up to Lauren.


*Em stayed away and waited for Mia and Kev to show up*

We arrive at the park.

Still looking for Chad I knoe your here somewhere.

Ah the power rangers....I was expecting you.

*Shoots out more leeches at Kevin and Mia*

Chad I'm here face me one on one.

This is what i warned you about.

Uses my sky fan and throws the leeches back.




I....have to.....help......my friends.....I have......to....remember.....the good times

*Starts thinking about all the fun and good times while doing so the leeches are loosing size*


Mike please be careful.

Hey Em why are you here.

Ha ha ha....foolish humans.

*Sees Lauren*

I came to watch Mike go help Mia and Kev with the nighlok I'll help Mike if he needs it.

I think Antonio is on his way.

Kicks Chad Psy Green.

You should help them if they get those leeches your the only one who can help them.

*Blocks the kick and hits the green ranger with my club*

*Watches and covers my eyes, and whispers*

Be careful.

I know but i think he found a way to get rid of the leeches besides i'm fine Holds my arm in pain but gets my double fire smasher and goes behind him hitting him hard.

No your not Lauren go help them I'll stay here in case he needs help.

Goes down but gets up.

*Watches quietly*

Hey green ranger....I have a surprise from psycho green...here you go.

*Shoots out a blast launching leeches at the green ranger*

Em i didn't think he could do that.

Me either I can't loose him I need him happy for me and the baby cause I can't wait any longer.

*Takes the hit from the red ranger after sending out the leeches at the green ranger*

Ahh...red ranger where did you come from...

I'm full of surprises.

*Em sits down near the tree not wanting to find out if he's unhappy and whispers to the baby*

Daddy will be ok don't worry.

Doesn't matter...soon you will be joining the gold ranger and the green..

*Fires another blast of leeches at the red ranger*

I don't think so Uses the double fire smasher and hits the leeches back.

*Shows up out of no where kicking back the leeches from Lauren*

I got here as soon as I was able to beat those leeches....guys the leeches aren't stealing the
happiness from us its trying to bring out the unhappiness out in order to keep us down....once I realized that I was able to beat the leeches but now we have to get the kids happiness back...

Kev and Mia are fighting the nighlok why not go help them and use your barracuda bite i can stay here with Mike and help him with Chad Psy Green.

*Em gets up and runs back to the house and looks for her sister*

Serena are you here.

*Serena walks out and sees Emily*

Hi baby sis what's wrong.

*She looks and has Em lay down*

Alright this is it I'll help deliver the baby while your husband is fighting.

I hope so Serena I don't want him hurt and I can't wait any longer.

*Lays down and puts my legs up and starts pushing*

*Serena helps her and has her continue pushing til the baby comes out*

*Keeps pushing and relaxes after I hear the cry*

Serena is she ok.

Yes Em she's fine you did great just rest for a bit.
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